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Thread: Real Shaving Co

  1. #1
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    Default Real Shaving Co

    I was in town today and noticed one of my usual shops has started to stock items from the The original 3 step system from The Real Shaving Co. so thought i would try out a few.

    I did fancy the 'hot towel mask' but they did not have that in stock. I wanted to try this more for the novelty value, but hey you never know it might be really good. Anyone tried this stuff?

    I did buy the 'Traditional Shave Cream' . I used this tonight, i wasn't prepared to use it on its own so i made some uber, mixing it with some Glycerin and Osma soap.It worked really well plenty of nice lather infact to well i still had loads left after three passes. On the down side i did find it made the Osma dry a lot quicker so i found i had to reapply once i only have done half a pass. There was a slight sent which i cant quite place, it wasn't unpleasant but not something thats going to make me grab this cream more.

    I also bought the 'Daily Soothing Balm' . I didnt really like this it was to runny and had a very oily feel when i applied to my face. Did it sooth? Not really, i have other products that are better.

    Cheers MW.

  2. #2
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    If you search the site you'll see that a number of us think highly of their cream. I know what you mean about the scent. It's not my favorite. Lightly floral yet clean and masculine.

    It doesn't need any help lathering. Performs wonderfully. Lots of cushion and glide. It compares well to TOBS. I think the TOBS performs a little better bit for 3x the price, it should.
    Mine doesn't get used every day but it still gets used a lot. I've recommended it to a number of people just starting as a way to try higher end cream performance without breaking the bank.
    It's about the VDH/canned Goo price point but performs far above it.
    I haven't tried the aftershave so I can't comment on that. I do like the Nivea balm. A buck a bottle more but I haven't seen the need to try anything else yet.

  3. #3
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    I also use and like the Nivea Balm Bharner, its much better than the Real Shaving Balm. Thanks for your comments on the cream, i will use it alone tonight and see how that goes.

    Cheers MW.

  4. #4
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoreWhisky View Post
    I was in town today and noticed one of my usual shops has started to stock items from the The original 3 step system from The Real Shaving Co. so thought i would try out a few.

    I did fancy the 'hot towel mask' but they did not have that in stock. I wanted to try this more for the novelty value, but hey you never know it might be really good. Anyone tried this stuff?

    I did buy the 'Traditional Shave Cream' . I used this tonight, i wasn't prepared to use it on its own so i made some uber, mixing it with some Glycerin and Osma soap.It worked really well plenty of nice lather infact to well i still had loads left after three passes. On the down side i did find it made the Osma dry a lot quicker so i found i had to reapply once i only have done half a pass. There was a slight sent which i cant quite place, it wasn't unpleasant but not something thats going to make me grab this cream more.

    I also bought the 'Daily Soothing Balm' . I didnt really like this it was to runny and had a very oily feel when i applied to my face. Did it sooth? Not really, i have other products that are better.

    Cheers MW.
    I used the Real Shaving Company Traditional Cream this morning and it's great stuff. It already has glycerin as one of the ingredients, what did the additional glycerin do for you beside the uberlather? I once tried SR shaving with the gel just to see what happens, I was not pleased with the results even though I had a nice rich lather. I swtiched from the Nivea after shave balm to Real Shaving Co's balm, it's a keeper and I like how my face feels after I apply it. The cream and balm's scents are about the same, it's not floral or such, but I like it.
    Last edited by pmburk; 12-08-2011 at 02:09 PM.

  5. #5
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    I used the cream alone this afternoon, It was ok, but to be honest im more of a soap kind of guy. Im just going to use it in future occasionally to uber some soap.
    Its interesting pmburk that you prefer Real Shavings Balm to Nivea's. the nivea i use is 'revitalising double action balm' which is far superior to Reals, for my skin type maybe. I dont suspose you have used the 'hot towel' stuff by real have you?

  6. #6
    Member CHSeifert's Avatar
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    Does the ShaveCream come in a tub ?

    I dislike tubes

    On the other hand if it's a poor version of TOBS then I might skip it. TOBS is the worst performer among my Top 15 ShaveCreams in my Den

  7. #7
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoreWhisky View Post
    I used the cream alone this afternoon, It was ok, but to be honest im more of a soap kind of guy. Im just going to use it in future occasionally to uber some soap.
    Its interesting pmburk that you prefer Real Shavings Balm to Nivea's. the nivea i use is 'revitalising double action balm' which is far superior to Reals, for my skin type maybe. I dont suspose you have used the 'hot towel' stuff by real have you?
    It might because I used Nivea's AS balm for quite a while and I switched just to see how Real Shaving's AS balm would be. Actually I'll either one without question.

    I did try the Real Shaving Gel once with my SR, I got a good lather, but in my opinion, the gel is not SR compatible IMHO. Heck, it might be the silver bullet for you or someone else!!

    I used to use shaving soap until I tried my first cream. Now I use only creams. But everyone has their preferences and it's interesting to read posts with different perspectives, tastes, and ways of doing things. It makes the sport of SR shaving and discussions interesting.

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