
As we are about to have our Atlanta meetup, I contacted a couple of vendors to see if they wanted to participate - spencer & devon responded with a nice selection of their products.

Tonight, I shaved with their "Sagebrush" shave creme. Took about a quarter size dollop into the scuttle, and filled the lower section with hot water while I showered. The heat from the scuttle seemed to melt the shea butter so when lathering, it really whipped up. The brush loaded up nicely, and the lather was thick without being goopy. A nice shine to it and the scent is an earthy rosemary.

Very nice coverage, with a really solid cushion. You can really feel a smooth layer on the skin. Lather didn't dry out, and the more you whip it, the smoother it gets. Even a little portion of lather left over, can be spread over your face and if you add a little keeps on going.

Great scent throughout, and afterwards, it's not greasy - but there is a nice feeling of comfortable moisture.

They have an unscented...and a "Spice" fragrance (Not like an Old Spice, but cinnamon/nutmeg/earthy/clove/allspice).

Looking forward to trying these other soon...