Well, I only went and did it! Made some soap to Colleens recipe on this thread

It all went pretty well really . The only difficult part is deciding when you have hit trace or not. When I realised it was getting thick a bit too fast for my liking (it goes pretty quick when it goes) and was concerned it may not come out the pan I poured it into the mould. It left a trace when I was stirring it and supported a drop so it should be OK. It poured OK too so no bother there. Even had time to use a palete knife on the top to get a flat top to the bars rather than a Mr Whippy top.

What Colleen didn't tell us was what a pain in the rear it is to clean all the equipment afterwards I recommend an apron if you are as messy as me too

With this success I have ordered some essential oils to fragrance the next batch. Ordered a Lime one (I like lime) and a patchouli (heard a lot about it but don't know what it smells like ). Aparantly it is in 50% of top end mens fragrances so it can't be that bad and it is cheap.

Until the next time, and thank Colleen for the recipe and advice!