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Thread: cream drying on my face

  1. #1
    Member elgeeno's Avatar
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    Default cream drying on my face

    am i taking too long to shave? or is the cream not very good quality? the cream i am using at the moment is fauldings. (a little off topic) but should i be re-oiling my face after each pass? my face seems dry even after splashing on more water and re-applying lather. unless it's the cream itself drying my face.

    also i just ordered some vostok shave cream i like the sound of the so called ice-cold sensation and can't wait to try it out.

  2. #2
    Member jay88's Avatar
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    I dont know what it is I get the same thing happening to me but it is only with one particular lather and since i switched it no longer does that
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  3. #3
    Poor Fit
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    Are you using a scuttle? How long does it take you to do a pass? These are things that might help us help you Also, how are you making your lather, have you experimented with more or less water?

  4. #4
    Member elgeeno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catrentshaving View Post
    Are you using a scuttle? How long does it take you to do a pass? These are things that might help us help you Also, how are you making your lather, have you experimented with more or less water?
    currently i'm not using a scuttle, i'm using a rectangular tupperare container lol (yes i'm looking into getting a proper mug or scuttle!). my first WTG pass takes me around 3-4 mins in total. so around 2 or so mins into my shave the lather dries up a bit. i usually then dab the brush into the hot water and try to re-moisten the lather. at that point i just end up re-applying another lather. it could be not enough water, but i will dab more water but the lather keeps drying... maybe i'm just slow

  5. #5
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    Try more water in your original lather. I find that if I make mine to look like the lather I see pictured all the time, with nice little pointy peaks, it is way too dry on my face. If my peaks fall over ever so slightly I get a much better shave.

    Also I lightly wet my face in between lathering and that really seems to help quite a bit. Don't be afraid to experiment. You'll never know when you've hit the right spot until you've gone too far.

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  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Your lather is drying way too fast and it's not because of your shaving speed cause it's fine. The solution is try some more water with your lather. If that doesn't help try another soap.
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  7. #7
    Member elgeeno's Avatar
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    thanks guys. i'll report back soon and share my results

  8. #8
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    I see lathering as a two tool event. Your brush and your hand. I first use the brush to bring and lather my face. After the 1st pass( yes. I know if done right I shouldn't need a 2nd). I wet my fingers in the water bowl and damp my face using any lather which is left on my face. Then relather my damp face and start my 2nd pass.
    The soap that you use can also contribute. Used Vito's extra this am for the first time. For a soft soap it needed a lot of water. Didn't expect that.

  9. #9
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    You want it thick and AND slick, leave a can of whipped cream out the fridge for too long and spray some into your hand, thats what I aim for, more like a thick milk rather than whipped cream my experience of course.

    I find if I lather until I've got slick lather that doesn't suck or make the brush stick on my face, I'm good to go.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by justalex View Post
    You want it thick and AND slick, leave a can of whipped cream out the fridge for too long and spray some into your hand, thats what I aim for, more like a thick milk rather than whipped cream my experience of course.

    I find if I lather until I've got slick lather that doesn't suck or make the brush stick on my face, I'm good to go.
    Justalex: Not eating pie at your house

    ! I just started straight shaving but I can tell you if there is one thing I have learned is most creams can take a crap load of water. If its drying than you probably didn't use enough. The beginners section has a great video about how to lather. It was super helpful for me.
    bondpunk likes this.

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