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Thread: Williams Shave Soap Care

  1. #1
    Get ready to feel the steel! macinnisl's Avatar
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    Default Williams Shave Soap Care

    I don't mean to start another big williams shave soap thread debate. I have a simple question. Do you leave the puck of soap just dry out in the cup when your done with it or should some other sort of care be taken like washing it off? Not sure if it really matters I just used it for the first time today to make a super lather and put it away wet. Figured worst case it's only a buck and I have another one anyways.

    Question seems a little silly to be asking but I'm just not sure and don't want to wait and see what happens.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I just leave mine in an old Campbell's covered soup bowl. When I use it the next day to make superlather I recover it with water for a few minutes, then pour the water out and load the brush. Cover the bowl and put it away till next day. Doesn't seem to hurt anything.


  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It doesn't matter whether it's Williams or MDC it's all the same. If you use the one soap each day it can be left out open. However, if you rotate it's best to cover it so no nasties get in and it helps prevent drying and loss of scent.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Gamma's Avatar
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    Wet soap that isn't going to be used the next day, and stored in a dark place - can breed bacteria. Yes - bacteria can live and breed on/in soap.
    Whether or not this will happen or be a problem is another story; one that disallows anyone to take a sure-footed stance on either side of the fence.
    I would imagine that creams and soft soaps would be more suceptible to any possible problem due to their moisture content but I don't know that for a fact.
    My basic feeliing is that wet soap that's rinsed off, then dried - then stored - should be fine indefinitely.
    I usually shave with Williams - and that bowl is out all the time.. uncovered. The rest of my soaps are in a cabinet, covered. After using one of them, I rinse it off and dry it out for a day or so. Then it goes back into the cabinet. The exception is MDC - I snurdle a portion into a bowl when I use it, so it never gets soaked.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    I leave my Williams out in its mug to dry. The cheese grater method for putting soaps in dishes also helps Williams to produce a lather much much faster by allowing water to drain down into the minuscule spaces in between the soap shreds. I live in a very dry climate so my soap is usually bone dry the next morning.

  6. #6
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    mmmm I love williams.

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