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Thread: Mini Dovo Review and

  1. #1
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Default Mini Dovo Review and

    a big thank you to shooter74743 (shooter) for Piffing me the product.

    Ok, so shooter posted how he wasn't having any luck with his Dovo cream, and being that I love all creams but hadn't yet got to buying any Dovo... he was kind enough to piff his to me. I might be going out on a limb here, but I think he might have been glad to have been rid of it.

    I on the other hand, I was ecstatic. I had heard that this cream might not later as well as some, but that was a small price to pay for the glide it was sure to give. Heck, I heard it say that it was solely for straight use as it could and would "gum up" a DE.


    Sure it's a plastic tub that secures well, but you know... we like a little style too don't we? Dovo Cream doesn't pan out there for me. It kind of looks like a wholesale container of sorts. Heck, they don't even have separate labels for their different scents. Instead they have all three labeled with little boxes next to them where I assume someone at the factory places a check inside with a marker before shipping.

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    That's ok though! If a product works... I can be very forgiving. But did it live up to my expectations?


    This stuff is a "croap." Half soap, half cream. I love croaps. My 1869 is a craop, and it's a mainstay.

    How "I" handle a hard cream is to load directly on the cream, and then mix for "fluff" in my scuttle (sorry I don't know all the right terms). That's exactly what I did. Here's the tools for the experience:

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    Here is what the brush looked like after about 18 quick swirls on the cream after the soak. Know that I had practiced a bit yesterday, so though 18 swirls is excessive by any others standards... it's what I needed.

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    Here it is in the scuttle after a bit of whipping without any water:

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    This stuff takes allot of water - like allot! But it just doesn't whip up into a nice lather. Not at all. Yesterday I added a little glycerine, and it did a little better - but not much. Here is the best I could do with just water:

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    But who cares!? Ok I do, but what about the glide? It felt great on the back of my forearm! I was excited! I threw it on my face, rubbed it in with my fingers a bit, re-lathered and grabbed my trusty razor and off I went (I had just finished taking a shower BTW).

    The Glide:

    Glide!? Nothing... nothing special that's for sure. And without the suds floating around... Moreover, though it never dried out, it started becoming hard to see where I had been before I was even done my first pass.

    Look, I feel weird about giving something so subjective a bad review, but brothers... I didn't take a second pass. Why? My cheapest creams give a better shave! And to top it off, I didn't like the scent. But that's neither here or there.

    I don't like it!


    But!! I got to say this. As I write this and feel my face... smooth! Not because of the shave. Heck I only did one pass. This stuff has some awesome moisturizing properties. I am shocked! Shocked, and so very disappointed! If I could lather this stuff up, feeling my face, I would love it! As it stands... I doubt I'll ever use it again. Well maybe if I mix it with some other creams, but not stand alone.


    Thanks again for the PIFF shooter!
    ScottGoodman likes this.

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  3. #2
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    Earcutter --
    You've stated in other threads that you have hard water, but had some success using bottled water for other creams. Which did you use for the Dovo?

  4. #3
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleafalumnus View Post
    Earcutter --
    You've stated in other threads that you have hard water, but had some success using bottled water for other creams. Which did you use for the Dovo?
    Good old KS tap water. And it wasn't hot water either - warm at best. I say that as it's rumored that heat makes the later dissipate faster.

    I don't think it's the water. I could be wrong, but I am not going to bring bottled water up every shave. Just makes it too much work.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I could be wrong, but I am not going to bring bottled water up every shave. Just makes it too much work.
    Isn't that why people have kids? I always figured if I got "trapped" in a marriage, I'd have at least 6 kids, then I could at least say "Boys, go get Daddy a beer."
    Well, why not try with hot tap water? I don't think it will be any less satisfactory than your first attempt.
    Last edited by mapleleafalumnus; 08-19-2012 at 05:41 AM.
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  6. #5
    Member CoolHandJaden's Avatar
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    If I may interject,

    I have been using this product for at least two years, and have had wonderful results with this particular product. In fact I have personally written a review of this product on this site, and thus, I feel my opinion must be expressed at this time. Here are some photos after 30-45 seconds of time spent lathering with hot tap water, and my Omega silvertip brush (no uber here, as I don't believe they are necessary):

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    My collection of soaps and creams includes several renowned creams such as Castle Forbes Lime, TOBS Avocado, Cade, Razorock, AOS et cetera, and the Dovo cream is the most moisturizing cream of the bunch, even if it doesn't produce the most bountiful lather. However, Dovo's cream in my experience still provides a stable cushiony lather and plenty of glide.

  7. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to CoolHandJaden For This Useful Post:

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  8. #6
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    That's awesome coolhand! I am glad you posted! I really wanted to like it, and i am glad it's working for some. I wonder if I (we) got a bad batch or what? I'll give it another go with bottled water like MLA states.

    I am willing to ship the cream (if you pay shipping) to whoever want's to give it a shot next!!

  9. #7
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    I'll give it a shot
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  10. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tylerbrycen View Post
    I'll give it a shot
    PM me Tylerbrycern with your mailing address, and i'll do my best to get it out to you tomorrow.

    I am going to try it tonight with the bottled water and see - but it'll be ready for shipping by the morning.

  11. #9
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tylerbrycen View Post
    I'll give it a shot
    PM me Tylerbrycern with your mailing address, and i'll do my best to get it out to you tomorrow.

    I am going to try it tonight with the bottled water and see - but it'll be ready for shipping by the morning.

  12. #10
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    I have never had much success lathering the Dovo, my water is really soft too. Mine came in the consistency of small granules in the cream not sure if this the natural state or it was a problem with the batch. My other Dovo came looking like any other cram/soap but still not luck lathering properly. I am giving it a go from time to time just to reconfirm it is not working well for me. So far the Razorock cream/soaps work best for me.

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