Quote Originally Posted by Stiglitz View Post
I love MWF, my only complaint is that there aren't a variety of scents to choose from.
My solution to the scent "problem". Don't like most scented pucks or creams because it is not heavy enough on the scent for my nose that doesn't smell things well. Buy any of your favorite soaps/creams in the unscented variety, buy a little bottle of essential oil in your favorite scent and when you start to build your lather add as many drops, up to seven, to your scuttle or mug. You will get your aroma through most of your shave. I also add a couple of drops of oil based Vit E to the mix. Over time your skin will thank you. Been doing that for a couple of weeks and my daughter in law (who lives next door) remarked that she thinks my face never looked as good as it has been. Bear in mind she's a licensed beautician and is always looking at people critically. Also bear in mind that I am 80 and skin starts to have a life of its own so it's doubly nice to be told that you have something under control in your life. That's my two cents and I'm sticking by it.