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  1. #1
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Default Jason Natural Mens 6 In 1 Shaving Lotion

    Hello you all--- has anyone tried JASON NATURAL MENS 6 IN 1 SHAVING LOTION ? I believe it's a type of pre-shave prep concoction something-r-another.
    Any opinions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    I've been using it off and on for about 3 months, and find it a very effective product. I know others have commented about it being effective for razor burn, but regardless, it makes a nice aftershave for any reason.


  3. #3
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    When I began this thread I had already ordered the JASON NATURAL MENS 6 IN 1 SHAVING LOTION and was waiting for it to arrive. Well it arrived today and I must say "wow" ---- this is some good stuff. I know the controversy over the effectiveness of preshave conditioners and oils, but this stuff does something. I had the most smooth and close shave of my life. Now be it , I have only been shaving with a straight razor for a little over two weeks but I know when my face feels good and a shave goes well --- no razor burn --no razor burn --only left with a darn smooth face. I even was able to affectively do the third pass, against the grain coupe de grace -- I haven't been able to this with a straight razor until today and now understand or at least partially understand the meaning of baby butt smooth. Also, I used THAYERS MEDICATED SUPERHAZEL as an after shave/toner for the first time ---this is also good stuff that supposedly helps fight razor burn --didn't have any razor burn so I don't know --but left my face toned and cool. Anywho --both products worked great for me and may work great for you too. Adios.

  4. #4
    Tye is offline
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    I've used the some of the Jason stuff off and on and I like it. I especially like the Thin to Thick hair conditioner. It works great to lather on top of.


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