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Thread: bay rum?

  1. #1
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    Default bay rum?

    i recently ordered a tin of mikes natural bay rum. so many people love the bay rum smell so i thought id try it out but i had never smelled it before........i have no idea why this scent is so popular. to me it smells like lemon and a peppery leaf when you open it but the after smell is pure old man. i made a lather on my lunch and washed my hands with it to see if id grow to appreciate it, but no. the lather did feel awesome though. i think ill have to try a different one or the unscented and just cant hang with the bay rum.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Some folks like the 'old man' smell. I like Bay Rum but I can understand if someone does not. I like Lilac Vegetal, many hate it.
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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Bay Rum comes in all kinds of varieties and some smell nothing at all like others. Most Bay Rum dissipates very quickly leaving practically nothing behind.

    As far as "old man smell" how do you define that?

    Do you mean as opposed to smelling like a young pimply faced wet behind the ears wippersnapper or some dude drenched in Axe or similar?
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  4. #4
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    i wasnt close to my grandparents so i guess that smell doesnt bring me fond memories. i might list it on the classifieds or see if someone wants to trade

  5. #5
    Junior Member Shifty's Avatar
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    I'm always amazed at how varied people's tastes and palates are. I'm not a fan of Bay Rum, but I'm also not a fan of Proraso which seems widely popular so I just assume I'm crazy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Bay Rum comes in all kinds of varieties and some smell nothing at all like others. Most Bay Rum dissipates very quickly leaving practically nothing behind.

    As far as "old man smell" how do you define that?

    Do you mean as opposed to smelling like a young pimply faced wet behind the ears wippersnapper or some dude drenched in Axe or similar?
    no no i was to old for axe when it came out. im 29 so im to old for that but to young for the old man smell. as for how i would describe old man i cant really put a finger on it.

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    i havent tried proraso...i havent tried much actually im only a month in.
    but i love my mama bears toasted coconut. i got a sample of mike orange cedarwood and pepper, i like the first impression but im not to fond of the pepper lingering smell.
    Last edited by nt4sell; 04-23-2013 at 12:06 AM.

  8. #8
    EdG is offline
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    Bottom line is that you gotta try stuff out. I'm 33 and say I don't like "old man smell" too. I was never a fan of Old Spice scents, but like you I can't really put a finger on it.

    I always thought I was using "high end" products before I discovered wet shaving. I thought the newest Gillette foams and gels were great. I bought colognes from Arms I and Claiborne. Nothing against them, but when I found other options online that I was unaware of, I found stuff that I think is much better. TOBS, D.R. Harris, GFT, Penhaligon all have great stuff that I can't find in stores around me. I bought a Penhaligon sampler. Came with 5 5ml bottles. It was 50 bucks, but was worth it I think to experience new scents.

    I found a TOBS sampler of many different soaps. Only place I have seen it was Maggard Razors, but I would suggest grabbing something like that to try out. Most places sell samples of their soaps to try. I like light, citrus scents. SRD blood orange is probably my favorite soap right now.

    Good luck!

  9. #9
    Senior Member JoeLowett's Avatar
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    Based on what your saying it seems you prefer 'bright' scents as opposed to 'rich' scents. It's all preference. I'm 27, far from an old man, and I prefer rich, woody, leathery and earthy scents to fruity, brisk or bright scents; I can however appriciate bright smells... So I happen to like both. When it comes to shaving soap or creme the only scents I don't prefer is food smells. I would say as far as soap goes mamma bears is my favorite however they have a few scents like creme brûlée that I though would be awesome and the smell great but when applying the stuff I just smells like having a face full of old desert. :-) goes to how it's all preference, but ur not crazy. I however live bay rum
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