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  1. #1
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    Default Truefitt and Hill sampler

    Hello Gents,

    Been a while since I have posted because I like the lurking and finding things out, so today I should be receiving a Truefitt and Hill shaving cream, aftershave and cologne sampler. I wonder, what do you all think of their products?

    I have been shaving for a few months now with a straight and by far my favorite cream is Castle Forbes. You can get pretty spoiled when that is what you lather up consistently. I still get some good lathers out of my other soaps, it just takes a bit more time now haha. I have to wonder though, will this sampler pack make me really rethink the way to build a lather again?

    So what do you folks think of the performance and of course the scents of the Truefitt and Hill products?

    Many thanks for your responses.

  2. #2
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    I love T&H products and the 1805 Cream is my favourite especially when travelling. You'll love the sampler kit - I think it used to come in a little drawstring bag!

    Lovely, traditional gentlemen's scents.


  3. #3
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    Trafalgar is my favorite scent.

  4. #4
    lz6 is offline
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    T&H are top of the line products. I really enjoy their "Freshman" AS as well as their "Spanish Leather" AS. Samplers are a great way to get to know brands. Enjoy.

    "God is a Havana smoker. I have seen his gray clouds" Gainsburg

  5. #5
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Hollywood, I think I have tried just about every variety of soap, cream, aftershave and cologne from Truefitt & Hill and found them all to be top of the line. I also use Castle Forbes and love it. Castle Forbes is in its own class. Martin de Candre is in its own class. So are products by Trumper, D.R. Harris, Taylor of Old Bond Street, Institute Karite, Mitchell's Wool Fat, Tabac . . . Well, the list is long. And Truefitt & Hill is in its own class. Rather than comparing them, I enjoy each for what it is.

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    Thanks for the responses folks. I did use the trafalgar last night, and it is quite the scent. To me it is a really fresh smell, I can't really put more of a description to it than that, but its not a powerful smell, it can be subtle which I like. The shave went quite well...with one exception, but that has nothing to do with the cream. But I definitely cannot wait to get the other ones into action for a try. As for the part that didn't go so seems at some point along my shave I chipped my razor, so I need to send it out. I didn't even notice the chip until I did my after-shave stropping and I went up and down on the leather and put 2 fine streaks into it....Anyway, thanks again guys and I will keep updating this as I try the different samples I received.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Yep-Trafalgar is my favorite!

  8. #8
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    So as an update, 2 nights ago I used the Rose shaving cream...its not a horrible scent at all, but it is not something I would use on a consistent basis mostly because it is a little bit too feminine for my taste. It reminds me quite a bit of a perfume my mother uses, so again, not terrible, but not something I want to have following me around. I think to night is going to be the west indies lime. I will report back again as to scent.

    I have noticed thus far that these creams also seem to burst into lather pretty quickly...I haven't had any drying out issues but I am going to test something tonight. The first pass is always very rich and full lather, I do have to do some work to get the second pass the same way. Maybe it has to do with how long I am lathering it, I will be experimenting though. Again folks, thanks for reading!

  9. #9
    Junior Member nimzotech's Avatar
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    I too ordered and am using the Trueffit & Hill sample kit of creams. So far I have only tried the sandalwood - my first sandalwood btw - both in cream and aftershave balm. I love it! The scent is amazing; though I am not quite sure if it is the 'true sandalwood' scent. I've used the aftershave balm thrice and have more to spare! Not to hijack this thread but how do you guys compare the T&H sandalwood to others? Which is best IYO?

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