Back in the day when I was a young boy, not old enough to require a shaving, I always would lather up with my grandfather and use a safety razor with the cap on and shave along with him. I always loved the scent of the cream he used, but being young never paid attention to what I was using...
Fastforward 15 years, grandpa is no longer with us and I actually had something to shave! I always wished I knew what he used to whip up in that bowl.
Fastforward another 18 years to last night. I had ordered a handful of cream samples and they arrived yesterday. As I opened each individual one to catch a billow of their scents, I opened the sample of Tabac lastly. There it was, wafting up my nose, the scent I remembered from 30 years ago, standing with grandpa and shaving. That cream brings back wonderful memories. Needless to say, the sample will be replaced with a full tube!