Two hours of indoor bouldering yesterdee, and a couple of hours of outside bouldering today... Rest day tomorrow I think...
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Two hours of indoor bouldering yesterdee, and a couple of hours of outside bouldering today... Rest day tomorrow I think...
My new scales tell me I weigh 65.8 kilos, am 18.2% fat, 56.2 % water, 41.6 % muscle and 14.8 % bone. I want to get the fat % down to maybe 15% by the first day of summer and retain the muscle percentage or increase it.
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So i decided to do an at home, light weight high reps work out this last weekend and am feeling some serious post workout pain today.
It just goes to show that mixing up your routine is an important past of keeping it effective.
Back to my sore shoulders.
Yeah, I also find mixing things up works well. The great thing about either a layoff or the soreness that comes form mixing things up is that you get a really good indication of exactly what muscles you're working.
Forgot to say I went for a bike ride tonight! First time in about 30 years and I LOVED it. The bike's a single speed/fixie and I'm running it as a single speed rather than a fixed hub at the moment. The ride was only short (maybe 3ks) but very fun. It was FREEZING though, the temp here got down to below zero last night, the coldest August morning in Adelaide in 126 years!
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Looking at that bike I was going to make a short joke about Carl's (lack of) height, but I don't think I should, because I have another mate who hates those as well! :). I really like that bike by the way Carl! No work-out for me just yet. Caught myself another cold and feeling miserable at the moment. Be good to go in a few days though.
I kept my workout simple: deadlifted 887lbs.......wait, that was just me thinking about my, I did an 18 mile loop on my singlespeed, freewheel oriented.....Carl, I've cycled cold weather and what I found out is that wearing glasses and a balaclava under your helmet can cause two things both of which are unnerving: frozen snot and foggy glasses....finally got some frogman goop to keep glasses fogging but the frozen snot is inevitable with a balaclava.
I'm getting ready to start biking again in the evenings. Sometimes I miss Afghanistan. For all the suck, I was able to run 3.5 miles every morning during my time out there. Hard to find the time to do that here with a kid and a wife.
It's a MEDIUM size, Mick, a MEDIUM. However, I WAS mortified to learn my true height the other day (rather than the memory of what my height USED to be; 168CM, which is two CM LESS than Tom Cruise, so given that Tom Cruise is often ridiculed for his lack of height, I guess you can ridicule as much as you will...