Hey gents,
Today's WOD was a good one, called a Chipper.
Wondered for a minute or two why would someone call a workout that?
Here is the answer:
15 barbel cleans @ 135lbs
30 toes to bar
30 box jumps
15 muscle ups (scaled to 2 pullups and 2 ring dips)
40 push presses @40lbs dumbbells
30 double unders
15 thrusters @135lbs
30 pull-ups
30 burpees
300 ft of overhead walking lunges @45lbs
chip chip chip one at the time!
3 miles at 8:30 pace. Did some walking to cool down and get to 30 minutes.
A 7km run before work with 145m of ascent.
Back squats 120 x 10reps x 5sets @1min
Straight leg deads 90 x 10reps x 5 sets @1min
Leg extensions 60 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 32.5 x10 x5 @1min
Bench dips +42.5kg x10reps x 5 sets @1min
Skull crushers 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Pushdowns 65 x 10 x5 @1min
Ez bar curl 35kg x10reps x5 sets @1min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 10 x5 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Meant to up reps on squats and dips but forgot. Made reps on incline curls again so will up weight for all next week. Also made reps on ez bar curls this week
A 9.5km run this morning.
A 12.3km run yesterday with the GF.
I've drawn up my training plan for the next 6 months based on the races I've entered and it looks like there will be a couple of changes of shoes with all the mileage planned.
Db bench press 40kg x10 x 5 @1min
Db incline press 32.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Db decline press 32.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Db flyes 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Shoulder press 65kg x10 x5 @1min
Cable raises
Front lat raise 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Side lat raise 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Barbell shrugs 190kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 190kg for 15 sec x 4
Made reps on incline presses again this week. Will start aiming for 3 weeks if making reps before upping weight. With the reduction in rest I'm left far more drained from training.
25 mile bike ride yesterday with 1350 feet of climbing.
Dead lift 160kg x7 x5 @1min
Standing bent over barbell rows 70 kg x10 x5 @1min
Bench bent over db rows 35 kg x10 x5 @1min
Close grip pull down 50 kg x10 x5 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 5 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x5 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell rows and pulldowns
Today's gym session:
Dead lifts 3x10
Bench press 10,10, 4 Went to failure on last set.
Battle ropes 3x 30 seconds
Tricep pushdowns 3x10
Kettlebell squats 2x10
Tricep Kick Backs 3x8
Swimmers Press 2x10
Upped weight for squats, dips and incline curls.
Back squats 130 x 10reps x 5sets @1min
Straight leg deads 90 x 10reps x 5 sets @1min
Leg extensions 60 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 32.5 x10 x5 @1min
Bench dips +45kg x10reps x 5 sets @1min
Skull crushers 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Pushdowns 65 x 10 x5 @1min
Ez bar curl 35kg x10reps x5 sets @1min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 10 x5 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 13.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Will give ez bar curls another week before putting up
Yesterday's strength training:
Push-ups 15 regular, 10 incline, 10 decline from Swiss ball
Dumbbell squats 8
Squat Jumps 10
Weighted lunges 2x8 each side
Weighted reverse lunges 8 each side
Kettle bell swings 3x15
Swiss ball jack knifes 3x10
Three mile run at the track
Today's Cardio: 10 mile trail run. It was really warm. I took my shirt off for a while to get some Vitamin D.
A 9.5km run before work this morning.
Last night's workout
Db bench press 40kg x10 x 5 @1min
Db incline press 32.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Db decline press 32.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Db flyes 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Shoulder press 65kg x10 x5 @1min
Cable raises
Front lat raise 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Side lat raise 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Barbell shrugs 190kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 190kg for 15 sec x 4
Made reps on incline and decline presses and shoulder presses this week. Will up weight for incline presses next week
Sunday-7 mile trail run
Monday-rest day
Tuesday-Strength training:
Back squats 3x10
Trap bar deadlift 3x8
Lat pulldown 3x12
Battle rope slams 3x30 seconds
Back extension 3x10
Dead lift 160kg x7 x5 @1min
Standing bent over barbell rows 70 kg x10 x5 @1min
Bench bent over db rows 35 kg x10 x5 @1min
Close grip pull down 50 kg x10 x5 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 5 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x5 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell rows and pulldowns again this week
An 8km run this morning before work.
Back squats 130 x 10reps x 5sets @1min
Straight leg deads 90 x 10reps x 5 sets @1min
Leg extensions 60 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 32.5 x10 x5 @1min
Bench dips +45kg x10reps x 5 sets @1min
Skull crushers 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Pushdowns 65 x 10 x5 @1min
Ez bar curl 35kg x10reps x5 sets @1min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 10 x5 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 13.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Made reps on ez bar curls again so will up weight for next week. Made reps on straight leg deads as well.
An 8.3km run this morning before work.
Upped weight for incline presses.
Db bench press 40kg x10 x 5 @1min
Db incline press 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Db decline press 32.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Db flyes 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Shoulder press 65kg x10 x5 @1min
Cable raises
Front lat raise 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Side lat raise 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Barbell shrugs 190kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 190kg for 15 sec x 4
Made reps on decline presses and shoulder presses again this week. Made reps on front raises also.
The weekend's workouts...
Friday: 5 mile road run with intervals
Saturday's Strength Training:
Pushups Swiss ball 15, decline 15, regular 10
Swimmers Press 2x10
Dumbbell Curls 10
Weighted lunges 3x10
Tricep kickbacks 3x10
Russian twists 3x10
3 mile run
Sunday's Cardio: 5.5 mile trail run
A 6.5km run on Saturday and a 11.5km run yesterday.
Today was my usual rest day
Tomorror (Tuesday) should be a 9.5km run.
This morning I hit the gym for my last session with the team that re-designed my program.
Five minute warmup run on indoor track
Squats 3x10
Trap bar deadlifts 3x10
Lat pulldown 3x12
Battle ropes 3x30 seconds
Back extensions 10, 8. I was supposed to do 3x10 but my back was too stiff.
Changed to wide grip for pulldowns
Dead lift 160kg x7 x5 @1min
Standing bent over barbell rows 70 kg x10 x5 @1min
Bench bent over db rows 35 kg x10 x5 @1min
Wide grip pull down 50 kg x10 x5 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 5 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x5 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell rows and pulldowns again this week so will up weight next week
Back squats 130 x 10reps x 5sets @1min
Straight leg deads 90 x 10reps x 5 sets @1min
Leg extensions 60 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 32.5 x10 x5 @1min
Bench dips +45kg x10reps x 5 sets @1min
Skull crushers 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Pushdowns 65 x 10 x5 @1min
Ez bar curl 35kg x10reps x5 sets @1min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 10 x5 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 13.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Forget to up weight on ez bar curls so will up weight for next week. Made reps on straight leg deads again and pushdowns too this week.
Friday's cardio: 6 mile trail run. The bonus was seeing a bald eagle by the lake.
Saturday's strength training:
Swiss ball decline push-ups 10
Push-ups 2x15
Swimmers press 15,10
Dumbbell curls 15
Lunges 8 each leg
Rear lunges 8 each leg
Dumbbell squats 12
Tricep bench dips 3x15
Sit-ups 2x25
Russian twists 2x15
Side planks 30 seconds each side
Calf raises 2x12
I'm ramping up the weight program to get that Jason Bourne physique. The movie soundtrack is in the mail.
Changed back and side raises to prioritise the smaller muscles.
Db bench press 40kg x10 x 5 @1min
Db incline press 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Db decline press 32.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Db flyes 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Shoulder press 65kg x10 x5 @1min
Cable raises
Front lat raise 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Side raise 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Barbell shrugs 190kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 190kg for 15 sec x 4
Made reps on decline presses, shoulder presses and front raises again this week. Will up weight for all next week. Made reps on reverse flyes also.
1 Attachment(s)
I did an eight mile trail run yesterday with some intervals. The area I ran was a peninsula on a state park lake. The land is a mix of hardwoods and native grass savannas. Here is a pic from the shore.Attachment 280097
Haven't updated this past week, so...
Thursday 7th - 10km run
Saturday 9th - 11.1km road/trail run
Sunday 10th - 18.2km trail run
Upped weight for barbell rows and pulldowns.
Dead lift 160kg x7 x5 @1min
Standing bent over barbell rows 75 kg x10 x5 @1min
Bench bent over db rows 35 kg x10 x5 @1min
Wide grip pull down 52.5 kg x10 x5 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 5 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x5 @ consecutive alternating
Tuesday's strength training:
Push-ups: 10, 12, 12, 12
Kettle bell swings: 3x15
Tricep bench dips: 3x15
Bent over rows: 3x10
Sit-ups: 3x15
Calf raises: 2x12
Toe curls: 2x12, each leg
Wednesday's cardio: 4.5 mile tempo run
A 6.7km run this morning up and down my local hill.
Gym day:
Back squats 3x10
Dead lift 3x8
Lat pull down 3x10
Back extensions 10, 8, 8
Bench dips 20
Push-ups 10, 10 clap push-ups
12 minutes of cardio
Upped weight for ez bar curls
Back squats 130 x 10reps x 5sets @1min
Straight leg deads 90 x 10reps x 5 sets @1min
Leg extensions 60 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 32.5 x10 x5 @1min
Bench dips +45kg x10reps x 5 sets @1min
Skull crushers 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Pushdowns 65 x 10 x5 @1min
Ez bar curl 37.5kg x10reps x5 sets @1min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 10 x5 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 13.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Made reps on straight leg deads and pushdowns again this week. Will up weight for straight leg deads next week
Upped weight for decline presses, shoulder presses and front raises.
Db bench press 40kg x10 x 5 @1min
Db incline press 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Db decline press 35kg x10 x5 @1min
Db flyes 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Shoulder press 70kg x10 x5 @1min
Cable raises
Front lat raise 15kg x10 x5 @1min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 12.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Side raise 17.5kg x10 x5 @1min
Barbell shrugs 190kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 190kg for 15 sec x 4
Made reps on reverse flyes again this week
Saturday - 12.7km run
Sunday - 14.1km trail run
Friday: 11 mile road/trail combination run
Saturday: traded yard work for strength training
Sunday: 4.5 mile road/track run. At the track I ran 400s. I defenitely felt all if the Holuday snacks that I've consumed lately.
Tuesday's gym session:
3/4 mile run warm-up
Dead lift 3x10
Bench press 3x8
Battle ropes 3x30 seconds
Assisted pullups 8,5
Assisted chinups 8
Tricep pulldown 3x10
Swimmers Press 2x8
10 minute run/walk cooldown
Dead lift 160kg x7 x5 @1min
Standing bent over barbell rows 75 kg x10 x5 @1min
Bench bent over db rows 35 kg x10 x5 @1min
Wide grip pull down 52.5 kg x10 x5 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 5 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x5 @ consecutive alternating