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Thread: Hiking and scrambling.
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08-15-2020, 05:06 AM #1
Hiking and scrambling.
Anyone else hiking and scrambling for exercise and enjoyment.
For the last few years I was going up a small local mountain for exercise, figuring that going relatively fast up a hill often should signal my body to lose weight. Covid put an end to that though, as Mt. Sanitas is a way too popular and narrow trail. I rock climbed for years starting in 1970 and last fall did some canyoneering with a friend which reminded me how pleasurable it is to me to be moving over rock. So in March I started doing easy scrambling routes around Boulder that I had never bothered with when I was younger and climbing seriously. I'm having a great time.
2020 hikes and scrambles
Mt. Sanitas
09 Jan. 44 minutes
23 Jan. 45 minutes
06 Mar. 45 minutes
17 Mar. Belfast BLVD Leprechaun Canyon on St. Patrick's Day.
31 Mar. Two routes on Hillbilly Flatironette and Hillbilly Rock via the decent route.
06 Apr. Hillbilly rock
08 Apr. Hillbilly rock
11 Apr. Hillbilly rock via 'East Face South Side'
25 Apr. 'Almost Heaven' and 'Heaven'
27 Apr. 'Freeway'
01 May 'El Camino Royale' and 'Royal Arch'
05 May 'ECR,RA' loop. Same as last Friday.
08 May 'Freeway'
13 May 'Like Heaven'
18 May 'Freeway'
21 May 'ECR,RA' loop
26 May 'ECR,RA' loop with the addition of Hammerhead. RRH loop
01 Jun 'Freeway'
04 Jun 'RRH' loop
08 Jun 'Freeway'
10 Jun 'Freeway'
12 Jun 'Freeway'
15 Jun 'Freeway'
18 Jun 'Stairway to Heaven' Part 1
22 Jun 'Stairway to Hillbilly'
02 Jul RRH loop.
06 Jul 'Stairway to Hillbilly'
09 Jul 'Stairway to Hillbilly'
11 Jul 'Seal Rock E.F.N.S.' and 'The Pup'
14 Jul 'Seal Rock E.F.N.S.'
19 Jul 'Seal Rock E.F.S.S.' Roped
21 Jul RRH loop
24 Jul RRH loop
27 Jul 'Stairway to Hillbilly'
30 Jul RRH loop
02 Aug 'Der Freischutz'
05 Aug The 3rd Flatiron via The Southwest Chimney
08 Aug 'Angel's Way' and 'The Hobo'
10 Aug 3rd Flatiron... up the East Face and down The Southwest Chimney
12 Aug 3rd Flatiron
14 Aug 3rd Flatiron
That's one big hunk of 300 million year old sandstone.
The East Face is ~1,500', though the bottom 600' is rarely climbed. The 900' East Face Route starts at the East Bench which is located where the tree line joins the north face.
The 3rd Flatiron is closed to climbers and hikers from Feb. 1 to July 31 to protect nesting Peregrine Falcons. So I plan on doing it a bunch this fall until the weather turns, then it will be off limits till next August.Last edited by bluesman7; 08-15-2020 at 05:14 AM.