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  1. #11
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    Stop: Dummy time

    "english"? You mean like spin you put on a pool ball?

    What I'm reading sounds like this:

    push thumb from heel to tip in short strokes (not one long heel-tip ride) and make like a spiral motion with the thumb say from left bottom of stroke to right top of stroke.

    I can't draw it here but I'm thinking of the stripe on a barber pole or the spiral on a drill bit. Lower left to upper right.

    Am I anywhere near the ballpark? What sensation should I be looking for, I'm thinking a grabbing sensation as if the edge sticks into the skin just enough to stop the spiral from happening.

  2. #12
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    First "english" and now "spirals"? It's getting outa hand, we may need the video after all.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Groves View Post
    First "english" and now "spirals"? It's getting outa hand, we may need the video after all.
    Matthew - I'm not trying to complicate it but I don't understand certain terms.

    I'm trying to see if "english" equates to a spiral or spinning motion. The only time I ever hear the word "english" in the context of putting it on something is referring to a type of spin on say a pool ball.

  4. #14
    Senior Member johnmw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Groves View Post
    First "english" and now "spirals"? It's getting outa hand, we may need the video after all.
    I'll go along with that, cause this thumb test thing has confused me from the start.

    I have visions of running your thumb along the sharp edge of the blade and separating the said thumb from the rest oh the hand.


  5. #15
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post

    What the barber was doing is this: He was essentially moving, or pushing, his thumb along and parallel to the blade (or barber comb) with short, light strokes, but instead of pushing his thumb directly forward towards the razor point, he put a little diagonal "english" into the stroke. Hope that make sense. It was not a purely forward movement, but mostly forward.

    I've always done the test similar to this, but without the diagonal "english."

    Maybe we are trying to be to technical here. I think what's going on is you are pushing your thumb forward but giving a little lateral pressure as to better feel the biting action of the razor. Man that sounds technical too.


  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    Maybe we are trying to be to technical here. I think what's going on is you are pushing your thumb forward but giving a little lateral pressure as to better feel the biting action of the razor. Man that sounds technical too.

    Yes, that's it. No spirals or spins.

    Putting "english" into, or onto, something can have many meanings, or interpretations. In billiards it usually refers to some type of backspin or other variance from a straight, dead on, strike forward. So I understand the confusion.

    But I think Justin got it correct in his quote above. It's a light forward motion of the thumb with just a "nudge" of lateral pressure. Now I hope the term "nudge" doesn't throw anybody off.

    Or here is another way of visualizing it: imagine there is a light coating of dust on the very edge of your razor, and you are trying to lightly sweep it off with your thumb a little at a time, moving a little forward and to the side with each gentle sweep. The thumb moves in tiny increments along the edge.

    Does that help? Or am I making it more confusing?

    If it's still confusing, then just leave it alone. I'll make a demo video when I get a chance so you can see exactly what was shown to me by the barber.
    Last edited by honedright; 02-11-2007 at 10:35 PM.

  7. #17
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    Yes, that's it. No spirals or spins.

    Putting "english" into, or onto, something can have many meanings, or interpretations. In billiards it usually refers to some type of backspin or other variance from a straight, dead on, strike forward. So I understand the confusion.

    But I think Justin got it correct in his quote above. It's a light forward motion of the thumb with just a "nudge" of lateral pressure. Now I hope the term "nudge" doesn't throw anybody off.

    Or here is another way of visualizing it: imagine there is a light coating of dust on the very edge of your razor, and you are trying to lightly sweep it off with your thumb a little at a time, moving a little forward and to the side with each sweep.

    Does that help? Or am I making it more confusing?
    I think this is one of those things were "the truth suffers from too much analysis." I think over all the sensation we are looking for is one that is hard to define: here's my definition: a slight biting action that grabs the skin of your finger. Maybe it gives a certain feeling of uneasiness (shiver down your spine) as if to almost cut. But this is all subjective because I might have a different experience of sensation than another person. So what's the best way to produce this sensation? Forward motion? maybe Lateral motion? maybe Hell, let's combine both - a forward motion with a slight lateral pressure. Sounds good to me --but why the thumb?


  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well, I was hoping to clarify, once again - ha!, an often confusing test for the straight razor.

    Best advice, as said many times on SRP - best test is shaving. If the razor shaves fine, good. If not, go back to your honing and stropping.


  9. #19
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    Well, I was hoping to clarify, once again - ha!, an often confusing test for the straight razor.

    Best advice, as said many times on SRP - best test is shaving. If the razor shaves fine, good. If not, go back to your honing and stropping.

    Roger That and Amen. Now I can sleep easy. Now back to that What's the meaning of life? question. Later, Scott


  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yeah Justin, later

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