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Thread: SRD 3" Premium II Leather Strop + Crox?

  1. #1
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    Default SRD 3" Premium II Leather Strop + Crox?

    I just ordered the Straight Razor Designs 3" Premium II Leather Strop with the normal matched webbing. I just wanted to ask if the flip side of the webbing is suitable for the Chromium Oxide Paste .5 micron Crayon?
    Does that work, and how would the other side of the webbing react to this?

    Thank you already.


  2. #2
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    If I had to apply it I'd apply to the back of the leather. April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  3. #3
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    So should I order my self a linen only one then? Such as:

    Name:  herold_linen_s.jpg
Views: 421
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    I actually thought you could use pastes on the fabric webbing, which is why I didnīt opt in on the premium fabric / hard pressed wool felt.

  4. #4
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Why ruin the linen? April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickboone View Post
    Why ruin the linen?
    Well that picture does say "Intended for use with various stropping pastes"?

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    Lynn uses the back side of the premium cloth with the CrOx stick to touch up the razor on:

    So what are my options then? Buy a paddle, buy a linen strop, buy 8+12k Nanniwa?

    I have spent quite a bit of money lately to start straight razor shaving and my budget is scretched thin at the monent. I was planning to survive month, maybe two on a paste.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I'd do what Rick suggested it would be the cheapest way, or buy the Premuim replacement fabric. Another idea that would eliminate pasting the strop at all, buy an old canvas belt and paste it.

  8. #8
    Senior Member MBR1965's Avatar
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    I've been thinking about this lately as well, and while questions about pasting strops come up all the time, no one ever seems to say what they use as an "extra" strop for paste. Of course, you could always use the paste on a piece of balsa; I know there are threads on making a homemade balsa strop (just do a search for that at the top of the page). But, I have read recently that some believe that, while the balsa and CrOx will return the blade's keenness, it will also make the edge a little more harsh than pasted fabric. I currently use balsa and may be experiencing something like this (I just sent a few razors to gssixgun, so I'm waiting for them to return before making any conclusions). So, like I said, I've been thinking about pasted strops lately- personally, I wouldn't want that stuff anywhere near my nice leather strop, and the one you bought is particularly nice (and a little expensive). But where to get an extra fabric component? If it were me, I would want one 3 inches wide to make sure I get even blade coverage; I would think that the absolute best thing would be a paddle or bench strop to also make the pressure more even and eliminate the tension variable. For a relatively inexpensive option, I would consider buying a replacement fabric (felt) from star shaving, apply the CrOx crayon, and lay it on a counter/table for stropping. YMMV, but this is what I'm thinking about doing if I indeed find that balsa is making my edges a little harsh. Good luck!

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    You can use fabric(denim, cotton etc do a search), leather( tandy do leather cut in strips), balsa or a strop. I have leather glued to wood(home made paddle), pellen, balsa and leather glued to wood(bench strop). All will work to refresh but comes down to personal preference. Balsa is probably cheapest but leather on wood works well. Just make sure its flat whatever you decide. Hope this helps. As a side note a nice big stopping session should help remove any harshness.
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  10. #10
    lz6 is offline
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    Ymir, at this point in time and considering you are just beginning to get acquainted with straight razor shaving my suggestion would be to give no thought at all to pastes as yet.
    Get used to your new SRD strop with the secondary strop it comes with. That combination will allow you to have edges that
    will be very shaveable. Hand rub your strop leather several times a day and everything will fall into place for you.
    Starting out it just makes more sense to forget about pastes, sprays and such.
    Master the art of stropping and you will then find yourself comfortable to begin and read and understand what each kind of
    strop additive can do to help you. Take your time.
    kettlebell and TaipeiJake like this.

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