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Thread: First time stropping report

  1. #1
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    Default First time stropping report

    So, I got into SR a few weeks ago as most of you know.
    The first shave was perfect as the blade came stropped as well as honed due to a friend here on SRP, Thank you again
    The second wasnt bad, but the edge was more dull and didnt get the baby butt smooth feel.
    So, yesterday i went to my friends house and used his family's old strops to get my razor back up to par.
    All in all i think it went very well, they had 3 or 4, i chose the best 2. One was leather only and had some sort of red paste, which i figured for iron oxide honing paste, so i started with 10-20 passes on that. Next i went to an old 2 sided strop, canvas and leather. The canvas was in great condition, but the leather was a bit warped in places from age. No serious cuts or nicks however.
    So id strop for 20 or so passes, and give it a test on my left arm right up from the wrist. The first time there was considerable tugging, 20-30 more passes and there was minor tugging. But 30 more passes and it was smooth as butter, now i have a 6"x2" bare spot on my forearm.. highly visible, sure didnt think that one through..

    I avoided the wavy area after i tried 10 or so passes, didnt like the feel. So, i guess my question to you all is, Does a strop being wavy hurt the blade at all? I notice the edge of a razor comes to paper thin for a good length, so im very very careful not to put any pressure on. no mater what im doing, shaving or stropping.
    (I laid the strop down on the edge of a table, so it was as flat as possible)

    For the angle, i laid the blade down completely with the spine touching the strop as well. it seemed to work perfectly, i figured if thats how its honed, it must be how its stropped.
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    "What goes around, comes around"
    I was done a favor by "Bill3152" and would like to pass it on to anyone in need
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  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    I'll be trying it out tomorrow morning before church. we shall see how well i did with my stropping.
    shaved my arm well enough..
    "What goes around, comes around"
    I was done a favor by "Bill3152" and would like to pass it on to anyone in need
    If your in need, id love to help

  4. #4
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    Must have done something right, shave was as good as new today
    still not super comfortable with left side though, and it shows..
    I got baby smooth, but in locations with odd grain, there is still some grit to my face. Not visibly noticeable, but i can feel it.
    Another good note,
    Think i finally have this lather thing figured out
    got a nice thick and smooth lather right off the bat
    "What goes around, comes around"
    I was done a favor by "Bill3152" and would like to pass it on to anyone in need
    If your in need, id love to help

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