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  1. #1
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Default Building Draw and different strops

    I find that building a draw is key to an ultra smooth sharp edge for a nice close shave. I sometimes use a little extra pressure to build the draw up and I have also found that alternating between linen and leather can build a draw up without pressure, much the same way you can hone on 4/8K without using pressure, thus keeping the edge straighter, easier.

    I have some strops that don't draw and some that do, so I wonder about others opinions and issues on this. Additionally, are there any other techniques you guys use to build draw that I haven't thought of?

  2. #2
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    I've found that rubbing the leather with your hand before stropping helps get the draw going easier. It seems that draw is a combination of the edge becoming more aligned and some factor in the leather, maybe heat, maybe a slight nap being raised. Without hand dressing it seems to take 10 or 15 strokes before I can feel much draw. With it the draw is almost immediate.


  3. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Excellent! I shall try that!

  4. #4
    Still hasn't shut up PuFFaH's Avatar
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    I use a Cabinet scraper burnishing tool to get the strop up to a good draw sometimes and for breaking in. This tool is nothing more than a "file" hard piece of round polished bar with a handle. I use it like a razor over the strop very fast till the strop gets warm and the nap comes up. You will notice that the burnisher gets very hot also. The burnisher I prefer is an oval shape in cross section with rounded edges. Using this burnisher on its edge brings up the nap and flat on the oval gets the surface good and supple producing draw.


  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I find some of my softer stropps like my DD 30 never have draw while my harder ones like Tony's #1 has loads of it. I think the surface of the leather has the most to do with it.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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    OK - but does a strop with more draw sharpen better/faster/sharper, or does it just have more draw?

    I've only got a Tony Miller Latigo and one of his practice strops, which appears to be the same leather and has similar draw.



  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well, I have heard different things but basically - the best is to experiment with different leathers and razors. Both more and less draw can work well - at times.

    I need more experience before I can talk with authority - but others might chime in.


  8. #8
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    I have Tony's Honey brown and it has little draw ----but it works fine for me.


  9. #9
    Always falling jimmyman's Avatar
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    Default What about paddles

    My TI 3" wide has great draw, but only after I got used to it, which was around my 13th shave.

  10. #10
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    First I don't really think of stropping as sharpening, but I suppose thats debatable/subjective. I think of it as aligning the edge which produces a better shave as the edge behaves as if its sharper/smoother.

    If you use light pressure all the time and don't ever think about how your shaping your edge and working it on the strop and simply rehone anytime things don't go right more draw is just more draw and means little. Although, with draw I can strop in 4-5 passes for a morning shave which I personally find nice. So I think the answer to your question is: yes.

    On the other hand if you get an imperfect edge, or its not really all that sharp yet, or its dulling and you use pressure to reset, realign, or stretch out the edge to get a better shave or a resharp one more draw gives you more to work with.

    Too much draw with too much pressure stropping can cause problems like rolling, bending, or tearing of the edge.

    Knowing the amount of draw you have is beneficial because you can hone a razor up and strop it. When the draw equals a certain amount of pull its sharp and you can eliminate all that complex edge testing stuff.

    Most guys just pull taught and strop lightly. I learned to use a strop a little differently because initially my honing wasn't really all that good and I found I could compensate with stropping.

    Quote Originally Posted by scarface View Post
    OK - but does a strop with more draw sharpen better/faster/sharper, or does it just have more draw?

    I've only got a Tony Miller Latigo and one of his practice strops, which appears to be the same leather and has similar draw.



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