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Thread: Difficult blades to strop

  1. #1
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Default Difficult blades to strop

    I recently acquired a Joseph Rodgers near wedge that the spine was a little taller than the spot that touch the stone. Norfolk street was stamped in the side of the spine. When you lay the blade on the stone it would kind of rock if you didn't watch it close. after finely getting it honed to what I thought was right I went to strop. I notice it was not getting as sharp and it should. Normal speed stropping. I slowed down a little and watched closely. when I drew the blade to me it was fine but when I pushed the blade away from me the edge would roll off the leather. so I was stropping only one side. I slowed down more and corrected this. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem with similar blade shapes.

    If this is a duplicate post I apologize this is the 3rd time to try to post this . the computer has been giving me a fit
    Last edited by rhensley; 02-25-2014 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Yeah I have some razors that are harder to strop. To me it seems like razors that have a thinner profile. I have a Dovo that is my bulkiest razor as far as scales and blade combined and its easy to strop. Then I have a Genco that has a smaller width blade and thinner profile and thin scales. I always feel like I am going to nick the strop with it. I also notice that when I get a new razor it takes me a while to get used to its profile. Currently my DD is doing this to me. I got it last week and the center pin is loose and keeps throwing me off.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Any of my razors that are way off balance will be very awkward to strop. Something about very light or very heavy scales that just throws me off. I also had a razor that had very long and thick scales on a moderately sized blade that also was just not comfortable to strop.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think most would say the things that make a razor hard to strop are; like has been said off balance with very heavy scales, very small razors like a 2/8s or 3/8s because they can be hard to hold on to and unusual designs with strange tails and necks and off geometry. Also, these razors aren't just hard to strop they are also harder to hone and shave with.
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  5. #5
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    with my hands I don't believe I could hone or strop a blade that small. author and Burt these two brothers have had there day with me. I like to use 5/8 or larger I have one 4/8 hinckel that I haven't honed yet. anyway I guess your never to old to learn I guess i'll just have to go slower with the stropping.

  6. #6
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    If you have a full wedge and a strop with medium to heavy draw...yes, they are a booger to strop as the strop is working on the entire side of the razor versus the spine and edge like it would on a normal hollow razor. I've come to not care so much for true wedges due to this, 1/4 hollow is as wedgy as I care for any more.
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  7. #7
    MJB is offline
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    I have a Brian Brown that is damn near impossible to strop, damn shame too because it shaves like a Rolls Royce.

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    Senior Member bruseth's Avatar
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    I have an SRP LE Robert Williams razor coming in the mail soon. I'm worried about stropping it because of its pronounced smile. Guess I'll learn the right technique when I get it. I hope so at least - I'd hate to mess up such a beautiful razor.


  9. #9
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    I have a GEM that I no longer use. Not because it doesn't shave well but because it eats strops. The spine width of the tang is very thin and is very hard to strop. To make matters worse, and hence its retirement, all the nicks in my everyday strop were caused by this razor.

    OTOH, I have a Spike of almost the same spine width that strops easily and has not nicked my strop. A reason for the difference is not readily apparent.

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  10. #10
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    may be post a picture of the razor.

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