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Thread: Oh God! What have I done?! Please Help!

  1. #1
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    Default Oh God! What have I done?! Please Help!

    Ok so I've been straight razor shaving for over a year now. I just recently got a new strop: a Straight Razor Designs Premium I Leather strop with Hard pressed wool felt on the second flap. It is an extremely beautiful strop! I also got some green chromium oxide spray.
    So here's what happened. I followed the instructions and sprayed the chromium oxide on the inside of the felt flap and waited overnight for it to dry. The next day i did my first stropping with it. I did about 10-15 full passes on the chromium oxide felt, 25 passes on the regular felt, and about 50 on the leather side.
    Now for some reason my razor cant even cut paper. That was the most miserable shaving experience I've ever had. It failed all the sharpness tests. What could i have done wrong to make this happen?
    One thing i did notice was that the draw on the strop was very light; didn't even come close to my 30 degree Russian leather strop's heavy draw.
    What do i do to fix this and/or make the strop work?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard,,,,,,
    Don't sweat it,,, you've never seen my first strop & you don't want to.
    I don't know what you did wrong, I don't use sprays or pastes,,,
    Someone with a background in pasted strops will come along soon to help you,,,,
    This too shall pass,,,,,

  3. #3
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    I use WAY less pressure with the CroX than I do normally - and I normally use almost none. Sounds like you just might be learning the new strop. I've read/learned that they take time to "break in".

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Whether a strop is pasted or not it's the same principle. It's all about the pressure you use and the angle and with media added to the strop it becomes that much more important. You probably either used too much pressure or altered your stroke in a bad way.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    I'd guess too much pressure and that you raised the spine while on the CrOx and rounded the edge off of the blade. It happens. A few passes on a 12k will bring it back. Or you can lay the pasted strop on a flat hard surface and try stropping the blade back on to it with about 10 travels.
    Substance and Phrank like this.
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  6. #6
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warchild281 View Post
    Now for some reason my razor cant even cut paper. That was the most miserable shaving experience I've ever had. It failed all the sharpness tests. What could i have done wrong to make this happen?
    One thing i did notice was that the draw on the strop was very light; didn't even come close to my 30 degree Russian leather strop's heavy draw.
    What do i do to fix this and/or make the strop work?
    Sorry to hear about such a bad experience.

    I 'Think' what you did has been mentioned and that is that you have rolled/rounded the edge. If the reference to 'cutting paper' isn't just a figure of speech then you have compounded the problem.

    At this point in time, I believe that re-honing is the only solution.

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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    A year shaving with a straight, has your stropping ever failed before now? It does sound like a stropping issue, and if you test by cutting paper , well that does say something ,, might just need a few 12 k strokes or even more honing ,, who hones for you ? Or take up Cudarunner Roy can usually help the newbies out with getting an edge that is shave ready. Tc
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  9. #8
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    Warchild just so you are comfortable... Cudarunner has honed for me in the past and he does great work. Highly recommend.

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Cuda is a great guy and very helpful. BUT ,if I were you, I would look for someone close enough to teach you how to do it right yourself. I am not going to offer anybody up (not my place) but I am sure if they see this they will themselves.
    Something else I would do (I am not advising you do) is try try again in the meantime.

    Do not cut anything with that straight but the hairs on your chinney chin chin scrwewy wabbit :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

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    cudarunner (12-02-2014)

  12. #10
    Senior Member Txshooter38's Avatar
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    Maybe try taking a look at the edge with magnification to help you see the problem....I am pretty sure there is a pin test for a rolled edge as well. Regardless of what caused it I doubt you are going to fix a razor that won't cut paper on anything but a hone.

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