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Thread: 2.5" vs 3" strop?

  1. #11
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    I cut a 2 3/4"strop from a large piece of horse butt and it feels very nice when stropping on it. Tandy Leather Store sells 3"cowhide strips, you can cut 1/4"off that strip and see how 2 3/4"feels to you. You might like it.

    This 2 3/4" width works well with a 2 1/2"linen.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    I started with 3 inch and now mainly use 2 1/2 . But regardless of width I use a x stroke. I have found that I always get better edges with a x stroke.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy79 View Post
    I started with 3 inch and now mainly use 2 1/2 . But regardless of width I use a x stroke. I have found that I always get better edges with a x stroke.
    this is much like the argument that 3" strops are easier to learn on because you dont need to learn any special strokes, an X or wiper stroke should be used regardless of the strop width.
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  4. #14
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Plus to the x stroke and windshield wiper stroke is the Obie stroke. It is based on his observations of old barbers usage of strops. It is best explained by him and I'm sure he will be along shortly to explain it. I use it regardless of strop size and am yet to be disappointed by the quality of the razor's edge.
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  5. #15
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Of course the best thing would be to try both sizes and see which you prefer. Because, as I have no doubt has already been mentioned, the difference between a 2.5 and a 3 inch wide strop is little more than personal preference provided the quality is there.

    Windshield wiper strokes, C-patterns, Obie strokes, whatever you'd like to call them, are a result of natural ergonomics and the arc created when your elbow is fixed at a point in space and you move your razor along the strop. It is a very safe stroke since you are only moving your forearm and maybe a bit of wrist. Keeping a razor moving straight on a strop requires movement at the elbow (from the shoulder) as well.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member Phoenix51's Avatar
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    Have both. Prefer the 3" over the 2 1/2". Just a matter of personal preference really.

    Angling the blade at about 75 degrees on the 2 1/2" strop surface insures the entire edge is exposed to the leather. Same stroke as when the blade is perpendicular on the 3".
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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    No way that I can tell a finer edge from a 2.5" strop and a 3" strop. X stroke or not. Both work very well for me and IMO it is the material you're stropping on and not the width. I have a 2" strop I use too. It's made of bridle leather and works perfectly.
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  8. #18
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    I like both the 2.5" and the 3" strops, as long as they have a light to medium draw. My stropping method is the same for both sizes: stropping at a slight angle with the toe leading going up the strop and the heel leading coming down. This automatically creates an X-pattern.

    For both sizes, I use about five to six inch of length rather than the entire length of the strop. This gives me a better control of the razor as I manipulate it between the thumb and index finger as if rolling a pencil, with the wrist almost locked.

    Regardless of strop size, I recommend a quality strop, even for newbies. No, it does not have to be pricey; there are plenty of quality strops reasonably priced. The strop is one of the most important elements of straight razor shaving. One might as well opt for quality and learn to use it well.
    Razorfeld and feltspanky like this.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

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  10. #19
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    When I first read Obie's stropping based on old barber's habits some months ago I decided to give it a trial run. I already had a good stropping technique down and was curious to see another method in action. Guess which method is now used by this old dog learning new tricks. The difference is almost imperceptible with the edge (bad pun, I know) going to Obie's method. [my 2 cents]
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  12. #20
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    I think that the wider strops do not stay flat and do not give such contact as 2 -2 1/2 widht.

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