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Thread: Felt strop crox question

  1. #1
    Senior Member dcaven's Avatar
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    Default Felt strop crox question

    I always strop 20 strokes on felt before stropping on leather. I am considering covering the felt with chromium oxide and only using it when the edge needs freshening. Anything wrong with this idea?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    i bought some spray Crox from SRD and sprayed the back side of my felt strop with it. would be interested to know what others opinions are though.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dcaven's Avatar
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    I think I want it on the front side of the felt. I am not sure I see the value of the felt by itself but do see the value of easily accessible chromium oxide.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have my crox on a separate strop to my daily strop, and it is a leather paddle. It does not see very much use for razors though. I like it away from my daily strop just to make sure if doesn't get everywhere.
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  5. #5
    Member kkwk's Avatar
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    I have a felt strop I only use when refreshing my razor with crox spray. When i feel my razor needs a touchup i use the felt strop around 10 passes and then move on to the leather strop after.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    does anyone use a felt strop for their daily strop? i guess i was under the impression it could be used in place of linen or nylon.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    absolutely. It is the second material on my daily strop. I use the plain felt to clean my blade and warm it up for the leather every day.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    +1 on RezDog's routine. Been doing the same thing for at least 5 years with great results. I do 20+ felt then leather before shaving and 20+ on felt after shaving.

    Felt, cotton, linen, etc. serve the same purpose, cleaning and warming the blade. Crox on felt works real well for touchups.
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  9. #9
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    I would have to add that while felt, cotton and linen etc.can preform some of the same tasks I don't believe they all can do the same things.

    For instance I find that genuine Flax linen and to some extent Hemp canvas have a noticeably more abrasive nature than felt, suede leather, nylon strapping or cotton cloth.

    I use Flax linen right after razors come off the stones and find that it's abrasive quality helps the edges before stropping on leather. I also use it weekly to keep my edges running smoothly, my face doesn't get along with Crox so I find this genuine Flax linen to be a better alternative for me.
    I just wish it wasn't so difficult to find as I haven't been able to source it here in the USA.

  10. #10
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    I keep my pasted strops and unpasted strops separate. The pasted leather paddle strops are used for occasional refreshing and as a step between my 8K hone and my unpasted strops.

    I like genuine unpasted flax linen for daily stropping before the leather. However, some do not like to use unpasted cloth before leather and use leather alone.

    I use pasted strops for refreshing only when the unpasted strops start losing their effectiveness on my shave ready edges. Wiping the unpasted leather strop with a damp cloth towel to remove wax from the tanning process and other accumulated crud from the strop surface may also help wake up a strop that seems to be losing its effectiveness. Wiping with a damp cloth should be infrequently needed.

    Last edited by sheajohnw; 04-02-2015 at 09:22 PM.
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