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Thread: Stropping Questions

  1. #1
    Senior Member Drygulch's Avatar
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    Default Stropping Questions

    So this morning on my shave I realized I had forgotten to strop the razor prior to the shave, but not until I was halfway through my second pass. (I blame it on not enough coffee.) My normal stropping routine is 20 laps on linen and 50 on leather before a shave, and 12-15 laps on each post shave. Most of my strops are 3 inches wide and 24 inches long, so I don't do X pattern laps unless I am using a narrower one. The blade was fine this morning, no tugging or anything. Apparently my post shave stropping is enough to prep the blade for my next shave. Not sure if this is a YMMV thing or not.
    1. Is there a normal number of laps? I am thinking what I am doing preshave might be excessive.
    2. Checking my thinking on this one: Since the strop is wider and longer, one lap on this would probably be equal to two laps on a shorter 2 inch wide strop with the xpattern, as far as the blade staying in contact with the leather/ linen.

    I plan on experimenting with less laps, just wanted to get some thoughts from other shavers.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I strop after the shave, maybe 20 laps.
    I strop after lathering, maybe 20, sometimes 30ish.
    I don't use linen, never could tell the difference, plus i ended up pasting it but only use that after I come off the hone, then maybe once for touch up down the road. Too much pasted stropping on crox gives the blade a harsh feeling for me.

    I definitely notice a difference if I don't strop more than 20 laps.

    I don't notice a big enough difference with more than 50 laps, so I keep it around there.

    I use a 2" strop, red latigo.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I do 10-20 laps on linen and 60 on leather before a shave and 10 on hard felt after drying the blade. The linen is supposed to re-align the blade bevel/edge and the leather burnishes it further. The hard felt hanging strop I use post shave is to ensure the bevel/edge is dry. Everyone has a different routine though.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    My routine is pretty much the same as Bob's except I go back for 10-15 linen, 30 leather after each shave instead of the felt that he uses.

    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I do 10-20 laps on linen and 60 on leather before a shave and 10 on hard felt after drying the blade. The linen is supposed to re-align the blade bevel/edge and the leather burnishes it further. The hard felt hanging strop I use post shave is to ensure the bevel/edge is dry. Everyone has a different routine though.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    I don't strop before shaving, I keep my blades stropped and ready to use. I usually do 40 laps on my 3", that seems to be a good number for me and had served me well. I use leather only, the linen or webbing seemed to be not doing anything for me.
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  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Much has been written about this going back years.

    I do 60 passes before shaving only, on leather. I have found that to be the point with the most benefit. The edge will start to accumulate microscopic corrosion not to mention dust and grit right after your shave. The stropping before shaving will remove it.
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  7. #7
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    I run 30 on the linen, & 60 on the leather. Depends on the razor, but sometimes I'll do 20 laps on leather after the shave. No number is right, just need to experiment.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    20 on linen and 20-30 on leather post shave. 30-40 on leather pre-shave. Just a routine that I have gotten into and seems to keep the blades nice.

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