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Thread: Stropping Preferrences

  1. #1
    STF is offline
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    Default Stropping Preferrences

    Just wondering how others strop.

    I dry my razors with kitchen roll as well as I can making sure to get between the scales etc after a shave.

    I then strop gently 15 laps on canvas and 40 good laps on English Bridal then leave it open in the bedroom for most of the day to air dry some more before putting it back in my razor drawer.

    Before bed, I get the next razor in my rotation and give it 100 good laps on leather, I put it back in the bedroom ready for the nest mornings shave.

    So basically between uses each razor gets 15 on canvas and 140 on leather.

    I have a 3'' strop but always use x strokes, it became a habit and I don't have to adjust for smilers etc.
    - - Steve

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I dry the razor with a towel after use and let it air dry open for a few hours before putting it to bed.

    Prior to shaving, 20 laps on linen and 60 on leather.

    That’s it.

    If I have to strop more than 60 on leather, I take the razor to a balsa paddle with CrOx and if that doesn’t work, it’s off to the stones.
    Last edited by DZEC; 07-13-2020 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Typos
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  3. #3
    King of the Shorties Aldwyn's Avatar
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    Before shave: 30 on English Linen, 60 on Cordovan

    After shave: Dry with cotton face cloth, and if needed, toilet paper in the scales and around the piviot. Then 7 stokes on the English linen and 10 on the Cordovan just for good measure. Then back in the stand it goes, partially open overnight, just in case.
    Recovered Razor Addict
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    I just recently found the magic in balsa wood and diamond paste thanks to one of our members here (CresentCityRazors). So I've kind of changed up my routine.

    Before the shave - 20 laps on CrOx pasted linen and 40 laps on leather and finish with a 40 lap palm stropping. That didn't change.

    However, I took all 8 razors in my rotation (was time to refresh anyway) and applied the method of using balsa wood and diamond paste. I use 4 pieces of balsa wood. Applied CrOx on one, 1 micron diamond paste on one, 0.5 micron on one and finally 0.25 micron on one. Gave them 30 strokes each.

    Since these razors already have outstanding edges and bevels, this mornings shave was about the same, maybe a little smoother. It was still a very smooth close 2 pass shave. I didn't notice a difference until I conditioned my face after the shave. Huge difference! My face didn't have any rough spots at all! I sometimes have tiny rough spots. Smooth as smooth could be!

    After the shave - 10 laps on leather strop, oil, and return to rack for next use.

    So in review, I plan on using balsa wood strops to refresh my razors often. It really did improve the shave I must say!
    Semper Fi !


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    30-40 on leather, before the shave, face lathered and ready.
    Dry w/cotton towel
    Don't have a problem with water between the scales, but still blow some air thru them.
    Wipe with microfiber cloth.
    30-40 on leather.
    Then goes into a flower frog, slightly opened.
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    Last edited by outback; 07-13-2020 at 08:04 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    When done with shave I rinse blade and dry with paper towel. 8 laps on linen then 24 on leather.

    The night before shave 20 laps on linen with 50 on leather.

  7. #7
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Let razor completely dry and usually strop in the evening the day of the shave
    35 on linen ~ 65 on leather
    Put the razor away and it's good to go for the next time.

    Pete <:-}
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Wow, lots of variations. Personally it depends on what I've done with the razor recently. If it's one that's been honed for a while I'll usually hit CrOx pasted cloth for 10-20, flax linen for 10-20, suede side for 20-30 then smooth side for 100. If it is freshly honed I'll skip one or all before smooth side depending on how fresh.
    After shaving, dry hands first on towel then razor on completely dry towel then toilet paper between scales below and above pivot then dry blade with it. Then I'll strop 20 laps on suede side and put in barber box for the night
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    The barber box is where the regular rotation lives but i try to leave one space open for drying. I figure (rightly or wrongly) that the wood helps to dry out any residual moisture.

    If there is a box for them I sometimes put them in the box but I have quit doing that so much with ones I use a lot because taking them in and out of the box wears the box out sooner.
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 07-14-2020 at 12:51 AM.
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  9. #9
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    20 linen, 80 leather, shave. Dry with bathroom tissue and a cotton towel. 20 linen, 80 leather, then the Frog sitting as Outback does. I put it away when I use the next one and I need to put another razor in the frog. My frog is Orange. So its faster. LOL
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  10. #10
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    I just strop 100 on leather just before the shave. After the shave I dry the razor with tissue and stop 5 or 6 times, again on leather.

    I should say, I don't have a linen strop, but some nylon seat belt looking thing which I don't like the look of, so I don't bother with it.

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