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Thread: Dovo paste!!!

  1. #1
    Member rugrad02's Avatar
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    Default Dovo paste!!!

    Hey guys,

    Before the crash I posted about making a hanging strop into a pasted strop. One of you guys recommended the DOVO paste which I did buy. Now I can't remember which color to put on the leather side and which to put on the linen side. Any ideas?

    Also, how much do I use? The pasted come in a tiny block and it seems that maybe 1/4 to 1/2 the brick in the center of the strop would spread out nicely.



  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    What colors did you buy???
    The white goes on the linen
    The other colors are in order of grit lowest to highest Green, Red, Black....
    I have never used Green at all, I use the red on a paddle strop,but the only one I would recommend on a hanging strop is the black, use very little just a stripe or 2. Some people only put an X of paste or two on the strop....
    Keep in mind a pasted hanging strop can really put a wicked keen edge on a razor, or it can make a letter opener out of it, so use it with caution.... This should only go on a dedicated strop!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    This stuff is ok. The red/black combination is slow working compared to diamond paste and not as fine but it does improve the edge.
    I don't know about the linen paste but the red and black both go on leather. Much less is needed than you think. a little goes a long way. start with a minute amount and you can always build it up. Its a pig to get off when there is too much though

  4. #4
    I'm Straight Dude!
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    I got a tube of the white Dovo paste (it's rather small), and a large Heirloom Strop with Linen, but in order to cover the entire linen part I'd probably have to use two tubes worth? How do you spread it on to the linen side?

  5. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MD11 View Post
    I got a tube of the white Dovo paste (it's rather small), and a large Heirloom Strop with Linen, but in order to cover the entire linen part I'd probably have to use two tubes worth? How do you spread it on to the linen side?
    The same as above applies here a little goes a long way, try a few X's first then see how that works for you, add more if you feel it needs it... The white paste really needs to be worked in though, or it will just clump there.... Again this should be a dedicated strop....
    Also keep in mind none of these pastes will sharpen an edge, they only re-fresh and or re-fine it.....YMMV

  6. #6
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    I personally like the Dovo red and black pastes. I put the red on one side of my linen strop and the black on the other. If I need some heavy duty refreshing, I will take the strop apart, putting the red side face out.

    A few laps on the black every few days will keep your razor nice and sharp. It's not as nice an edge as you get from chromium oxide, but it's still pretty good.

    Put the little sticks in the freezer for a few hours before you try to apply the paste. Just make a few X's up and down the strop, then rub it around with your finger. A little bit goes a long way. My best-performing pasted strops barely look like they're pasted at all.


  7. #7
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    +1 on the red. I've used the dovo red paste (comes in a tube over here) on the embossed side of my hanging strop for over a year now - works a treat when I can't be bothered going to the stone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    What colors did you buy???
    The white goes on the linen
    The other colors are in order of grit lowest to highest Green, Red, Black....
    I have never used Green at all, I use the red on a paddle strop,but the only one I would recommend on a hanging strop is the black, use very little just a stripe or 2. Some people only put an X of paste or two on the strop....
    Keep in mind a pasted hanging strop can really put a wicked keen edge on a razor, or it can make a letter opener out of it, so use it with caution.... This should only go on a dedicated strop!!!!!!
    According to Classic Shaving as far as the tubes the green is the coarsest and then red is the finishing past. White goes on linen and yellow is a strop conditioner.

    With the little blocks the red seems to be like the tube and the black is for a final polishing.

    That said the whole thing confuse me because I've always considered green to be a CO and a fairly fine paste but CS says it is 6 microns?


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