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  1. #1
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    Default Tony Miller's Starter Strop

    Got mine yesterday afternoon. Used it this morning. Sweet!!
    My only regret is that I didn't buy his nicest one.

    If I don't hack it up this one will last forever.

    I've been using a paddle strop and there is a real difference between the two. I find that the shaving edge is much smoother with the hanging strop then the paddle strop. I was tending to shave little bits of shin off my chin till now but today the razor didn't knick my skin at all.

    Thanks Tony.

    - Bob

  2. #2
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertFontaine View Post
    I was tending to shave little bits of shin off my chin

    Thanks Tony.

    - Bob
    You should probably see a doctor about that. You may have a larger issue if you are shaving bits of your shin from your chin. My shins are are well out of razor range.

  3. #3
    Senior Member fallout55's Avatar
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    Got mine yesterday afternoon.
    Me too. Amazing quality for that price! The draw on this strop feels so perfect that I want to touch up ALL my razors I also got a (NOS) brand spankin' new DD special No.1 still in original package in the same delivery. Talk about made for each I need some whiskers fast. I would shave the top of my head, but those teethmarks on the very top tend to cause annoying questions.

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