Quote Originally Posted by orfeo View Post
I got some neats foot oil on the weekend and got around to fixing up the strop, it all worked a treat and the leather is now very flexible and i light used the 220 on the slick side as it was a bit too slick so it all seems pretty good now so i'm indebted to you guys

I did what i could to the back side, i used the 220 on it and it's better than what it was but i guess i won't use this side? i wonder what it's for as it seem too ruff to use (even if it didn't have the gashed at the end - which i've sanded down).

thanks again


i should also note that now that the strop is in working order i've been able to pass the hanging hair test with my razor which i'd been having difficulty with and had thought that i wasn't honing the blade well enough but it seems that i was just missing a good stropping.
For the ruff side you could sand it down with 150 or 100 grit. once it is level you can apply chromium oxide paste for edge touch ups. I use green myself some folks prefer red. Or you can apply .5ยต diamond paste too. Chro ox makes the edge feel smoother.