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  1. #11
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyH-AD View Post

    Then I went to a friends house and he has one of Tony's horse & linen. I did some stropping on it and liked it so much that I decided I wanted to add Tony's linen to my horse/latigo. Tony was kind enough to make the linen for me and now I have a linen/horse/latigo.

    This may sound cumbersome but it is not. With the linen on the outside it flips out of the way when I go to the latigo. I do 50 on the linen and then 25 each first on the latigo and then finish on the horse. This is now the perfect strop for all of my needs and I highly recommend it.

    I am glad this worked for you. I am always hesitant to offer a three part strop as I feel the third component will be in the way in use or flop back at the wrong moment causing a disaster. I suppose if the softer genuine linen is an outer component it may work by flopping it over but would not want to see the leather folded back in use.

    I still feel a separate cloth component with it's own top and bottom hardware clipped onto thye same hook is more usable and safer though. Now...if the mill would ever run my linen again all will be well. I did get in 2 1/2" linen and will be running 2 1/2" horsehide/linen strops as the next product after this weeks run.

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  2. #12
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    Tony would you let me know what time the store opens tonight? I'm taking my brother to sushi and giving him the straight and strop, but that means for a few days I'll be back to the gilette until I get another strop here.

    I'm curious, have you tried some of the various hemp cloths versus linen? I have some samples here I got way back when and some of them seemed teh right texture/weight compared to the linen strop I have handled.

    You guys aren't doing the linen/leather every morning are you? I thought the linen was for in between honing, not daily. I noticed right now Tony you show on there only the cotton not the linen, what is the different in its affect on the blade?

    Thanks very much, everyone.


  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Miller View Post
    I am glad this worked for you. I am always hesitant to offer a three part strop as I feel the third component will be in the way in use or flop back at the wrong moment causing a disaster. I suppose if the softer genuine linen is an outer component it may work by flopping it over but would not want to see the leather folded back in use.

    I still feel a separate cloth component with it's own top and bottom hardware clipped onto thye same hook is more usable and safer though. Now...if the mill would ever run my linen again all will be well. I did get in 2 1/2" linen and will be running 2 1/2" horsehide/linen strops as the next product after this weeks run.

    Tony, here are some pix of the strop in use. I am not sure if they are good enough to convey the ease of use but here they are.

    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    Wow Jimmy, you've got to pick a razor to use and then pick a strop out of all that, I'm not sure if I envy you your dilemma or not


  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Red View Post
    Wow Jimmy, you've got to pick a razor to use and then pick a strop out of all that, I'm not sure if I envy you your dilemma or not

    Well it used to be a dilemma until I got Tony's. Now the others rarely get any use. Tony's is da bomb
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  6. #16
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    +1 on TM's strops the quality is first class...

    The only other strops I ever recommend are the Illinois #835 and #827
    the #835 I bought in 1981 is still in use and the #827 has a great feel to it...

    If you plan on 1 strop get the best TM you can won't go wrong....

  7. #17
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    what is the difference between the smooth cotton and the linen and their affect on the razor? I think I'll go with the latigo 3" with cotton if he has any when he opens tonight.


  8. #18
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    AHHHHH!!! I bought it, I went ahead and got the latigo, 3". There is no linen available right now, I hadn't got a reply on what the difference was in what it would do to the razor but figured worst case later I can get a linen one instead. I also got a practice strop, thinking that if I find anybody else to corrupt I can give it to them as a starter strop, is it good enough for that or is it only to get the technique down?

    I'm excited! we do have a gentleman's understanding on here that nobody tells wives about purchases right? Maybe I shoudl have had it sent to my office?

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Red View Post
    I'm excited! we do have a gentleman's understanding on here that nobody tells wives about purchases right? Maybe I shoudl have had it sent to my office?
    When mine arrived it had one of those little music buttons on it playing the Star Wars theme... your wife will notice

  10. #20
    Senior Member jwoods's Avatar
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    gotta say go with tonys strops, they are the nicest most well made out there, plus they are really made in the usa, very reasonably priced too, you dont have to buy the top of the line product from tony to get a well made strop, his starters are as well made as his top end strops, same care goes into everyone he makes, i got a starter from him and i have several others but my tm is the one i use anymore just does a better job for me.
    another satisfied customer

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