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  1. #1
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    Default TI double-sided Strop Experiences ?

    I was wondering what people thought of the TI double-sided "wide" paddle strop??

    Anyone have any bad experiences? Or is this the perfect paddle strop Ive been looking for?

    I have had great results with hanging strops but prefer a paddle strop ( I know this will get me into much trouble around here but....I dont always like seeing my hanging strop in the bathroom, a paddle could be placed in a drawer)

    Is there a better wide strop to look into?

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Senior Member AusTexShaver's Avatar
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    I've never used a TI paddle but I own a TM double sided paddle and it works great.

    The things you want to consider if you are looking at paddles are the size (especially if you want to travel with it) and if you paste one side how are you going to store it to avoid contaminating the non-pasted side or everything else for that matter...Chromium Oxide acts a lot like chimney soot except I think it's more capable at making a mess.

    The TM paddle is a little wider, thicker, and longer than others I've looked at but could be packed in a large suitcase. I like it's length as if I use it to strop with it only takes half again as many laps than a hanging strop rather than the twice as many with the shorter boards.

    I think with either one you won't be disappointed.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    I like both <g>.

    The TI is smaller and comes with a faux leather case depending on the model choosen whish is handy for travel. Mine were designed more for home use, being longer, wider and heavier in most cases. I include a plastic bag/sleeve with them but no travel case.

    If wanting a smaller, mainly travel version the Dovo (also found with other names) one looks nice too and comes with a cardboard sleeve.

    I own both TI and my own paddles and use them for different applications.If mainly for travel I would choose small, if for home use in place of or after honing I like the larger ones.

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  4. #4
    propriétaire de Rasage Poulin scottlp's Avatar
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    I've been contemplating buying a TI strop. Still not sure. Might get a Tony Miller! I don't like my dovo hanging strop very much at all.

  5. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I have the TI double wide paddle strop been using it for well over 1 year now and it works just fine, As a pasted strop.... I am not so sure I would like it un-pasted and as a plain leather strop, JMHO ....

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