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Thread: Making a strop

  1. #1
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    Default Making a strop

    Hello again!

    After reading some posts here, i have figured out it could be good to have 2 strops. I bought one with my first razor, it was a cancvas/leather strop. Im a bit confused here, cause when i use the strop on the leather side, i can see how edges of the strops a a bit higher than the middle when you are close to the hand-held part of the strop. I really try to be gentle while stropping and i have tried out the hair test and the arm-hair test with various results. Sometimes the hanging hair cuts off easily and sometimes it doesnt. On the arm i get a few hairs cut. I guess its sharp, but not as sharp as i want it.

    Well, to my thinking of making a strop on my own. I have some leather at home, from when i made sheats (think it is called that) for knives that i have made. It's quite stiff, but with some mink-oil it will be softer and easier to handle.

    What i have planned to do, is to make a wood-piece and glue the leather on it. Is it ok to make the strop a bit wider than the razor blade and only do straight forward storkes on the strop? Or is it better to do the strokes diagonally over the strop? Is it OK with mink-oil to lubricate the leather or should i get a special strop pasture?

    One other thing

    Out of curiosity i wanted to check how straight the ege f the razor was. Therefor i, very gently, placed the edge against a surface. The surface was 100% straight. This way i could see if the edge made contact with the sufrface all the way while holding it against a lamp. What i saw, was that the edge wasnt 100% straight. I could see ore light coming out on a couple of places. It wasnt any damages, more like a long-wave pattern with a very small amount more light than the other areas. Could it be that i have been stropping the blade incorrect? I bought the razor ready to use. I have stropped the razor aginst both canvas and then on leather side each time before i shave my self.

    A 2nd question while im still here...

    Some say you should strop the razor after the shave as well as before it. I have also read that you shouldnt strop after the shave, cause the edge will take damage then. What is the best for my poor little razor?

    Thats all for this time



  2. #2
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Hi Rikard

    Search the forums for 'concave strop' or strop cupping' you'll see some remedies for your strop.

    Your ideas for making the paddle strop are ok but if your razor is not perfectly straight a narrow design is better for the diagonal strokes you describe ( X pattern). 40mm wide maybe.

    It is likely the razor was made that way. You couldn't warp it by stropping.

    A few light strops after shaving is an accepted practice for ensuring the blade is dry & clean before storage.
    You can also apply a little oil to to the blade after, to prevent rust.
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

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