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  1. #1
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Default Stropping Strategy

    I think I've discovered that I'm using a stropping strategy before my shaves. Do any of you guys do the same?

    1) I strop lightly with an ultra flat strop first and see what effect (testing via TPT or shaving) that has, then . . .

    2) I use a little deflection to shape the edge inward if it had problems from Step 1 and reevaluate.

    3) I return to light/flat stropping, and reevaluate.

    4) If that doesn't produce a good edge or tested via TPT as an optimum edge I add pressure and taught stropping, and re-evaluate

    5) If that doesn't work I return to the hone; its almost like a last step to go to the hone.

    Am I getting obstiinate? Am becoming anti-hone?

    Do you guys have a stropping strategy that you use consistenly step by step to achieve a shaving edge?

    I used to just grab another blade.

  2. #2
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Interesting... If I get the wrong feeling draw (does that make sense?) for a given razor in my stable, I do mess with the pressure on the strop until I get the draw I expect for a shave ready edge.

    If I still get "bad" draw, I do go back to the hones before shaving again.

    I don't get as involved as you do...yet... but I definitely see where you are coming from.
    Last edited by joke1176; 12-31-2008 at 02:36 AM.

  3. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Yes, very interesting. Somehow I thought when all was said and done this stropping stuff would be pretty thoughtless.

  4. #4
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    I thought so too, until I started varying my pressure when stropping after honing and noticed a significant difference in shave quality.

    Gawd, another facet to the shaving conundrum.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I have been doing 50 linen and 50 leather then trying the HHT. Usually passes. If it does not I see if it will pop hair on my leg. If it doesn't do that then I go back to the hone.

    Reading this barber manual chapter on stropping and honing I have been using my thumb as a pivot and keeping my wrist as stiff as possible with light pressure on the strop. Not no pressure but light.

    I haven't tried deflection to correct any perceived problems yet. I am not sure I understand how that would improve the edge ? Wouldn't there be a risk of rolling the edge ?

    The fore mentioned barber manual says that when coming off the hone go straight to the leather. Only use the linen first when stropping for maintenance in between honings. I haven't been doing that but have been going to the linen first anyhow. Any thoughts on whether going to the leather only following honing would be better ?
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  6. #6
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    How often do you get to 4?

    What is an ultra flat strop?

    how many times, out of 10 let's say do you end at the hone?

  7. #7
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I have been doing 50 linen and 50 leather then trying the HHT. Usually passes. If it does not I see if it will pop hair on my leg. If it doesn't do that then I go back to the hone.

    Reading this barber manual chapter on stropping and honing I have been using my thumb as a pivot and keeping my wrist as stiff as possible with light pressure on the strop. Not no pressure but light.

    I haven't tried deflection to correct any perceived problems yet. I am not sure I understand how that would improve the edge ? Wouldn't there be a risk of rolling the edge ?

    The fore mentioned barber manual says that when coming off the hone go straight to the leather. Only use the linen first when stropping for maintenance in between honings. I haven't been doing that but have been going to the linen first anyhow. Any thoughts on whether going to the leather only following honing would be better ?

    In my book, a little linen action can smooth the edge a bit, but not too much. I finish with a Nakayama, and don't notice much difference in shave quality when finishing on linen or linen->leather.

    The idea of more sag in the strop to correct problems seems a little scary to me. Maybe if you would use weight of the razor only? I dunno..

    I do like more pressure on a tighter strop to "work in" a recalcitrant edge though, I get pretty good results with that.

  8. #8
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    I do something very similar to what AFDavis11 posted but with much less empirical steps. I just kind of adjust it here or there to see if the edge comes back; if not, I move it to the "to hone" pile, and get another razor from the collection.
    Last edited by xChris; 01-01-2009 at 01:28 AM. Reason: stupid broken keyboard -- misspelling!

  9. #9
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    I do 15 to 20 on linen and 30 to 40 on leather. If it pulls, I go to the diamond spray. If it does not work, I switch razors and deal with the problem later ;-)

    Al raz.

  10. #10
    Senior Member timberrr59's Avatar
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    Smile Change Leading Stropping Passes

    I was in this feeling once. I started toe-first instead of heel-first stropping. There is a marked difference in draw doing this. For me there has been improvement in shave quality since I alternate toe-first/ heel-first stropping always now. Do be careful doing this! There is a chance of strop nicking at starting stoke. My IXL really loves this change. Whatever stropping you do, Just Strop MORE! It worked well for me. Robert

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