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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default jim in gold bar strikes again

    Hi folks.. Just thought I would share this with you guys. I know you have
    all seen those commercials on TV showing this nifty $19.99 item that is not for sale in stores
    etc etc et barfing cetera... What it is is a little faky strop that you can stick your forty nine cent disposable
    razor in and it will sharpen up good as new..well so the infomercial says.. Anyway I figured if a faky battery powered
    bit of Chinese junk works, why not try a REAL razor strop.. I actually have some of those.. So using the junkiest strop
    I have I gave it a try and SHAZZZZZAM it woiks....A 2 blade bic that was headed for the landfill gave me a shave (now
    before you all yell about not using a SR - I was late for Church and just did not want to have to go through
    the whole 5 minute SR sacrament/preperation required to shave with one so I just (gulp) used a cheap
    disposable.. But I USUALLY still use a str8... really.. fingers crossed...
    ANyway so if any other folks are in this position you might give it a try.. Might actually end up saving a few bucks
    using a disposable blade or razor past where you might otherwise junk it....Now when I shave tonight OF COURSE I Will
    use the DOVO Bismarck....Actually I also cut my own hair, and a SR works REALLY well for trimm... well I better go for
    now... best to all you out there in sr land

    jim the shoot em and then dodge back behind the tree guy in Gold Bar

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You need to post more often Jim. We miss your unique posts.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Still hasn't shut up PuFFaH's Avatar
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    Made my day anyway


  4. #4

  5. #5
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    It's always good to hear from you. Stop in more often.


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