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  1. #1
    Member B R A N D X's Avatar
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    Default Applying stick Chromium Oxide

    I ordered some Chromium Oxide from one of our favorite online shops recently. It arrived not in powder form as I have typically seen, but as a stick wrapped in aluminum foil.

    Do I simply draw X's with the stick like chalk and then use my finger to spread it out and rub it in or do I need to grate it and mix with strop dressing etc.....?

    If applying like using a stick of chalk would first coating the strop with strop dressing help with spreading and absorption?

    Thanks in advance for your experienced words of advise!

  2. #2
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    Is it that big, ungainly stick shaped like a gold bar from Fort Knox?

    If so, I'd recommend not using it at all, as that stuff isn't really 0.5 micron stuff, but a mix of 3-0.5 um particles.

    If it is different than what I am describing, then I would say your application idea sounds reasonable to me!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I think seraphim is correct - that bar-shaped stuff is usually for dressing the wheels of buffing machines. You should check with the supplier as to the actual composition before using it on a strop - it may be too harsh.


  4. #4
    Member B R A N D X's Avatar
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    Seraphim and Neil,
    Thanks for the replies.

    I know the size bar you are talking about, but no this is round and about the size or a piece of kids sidewalk chalk if you know what that looks like.

    Here's a photo and the text from SRD's website.

    "This Paste is the same paste Mastro Livi uses as well as what comes with his Loom Strops. A very high quality paste. The best we have used. Roughly 1.5 oz.":
    Last edited by B R A N D X; 03-14-2009 at 12:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member mikemeatman's Avatar
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    BRANDX, I'm very glad you posed this. I have the same stuff I just got from SRD & a cotton only Tony Miller strop I was going to past for the first time today. I wrote Don at SRD & he said to rub it on lightly & use my fingers to spread it around. Kinda of lightly coating the strop not to heavy. Fill free to write him also he will get right back to you. There very good with customer service over at SRD
    Last edited by mikemeatman; 03-14-2009 at 04:21 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member mikemeatman's Avatar
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  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mikemeatman For This Useful Post:

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  8. #7
    Member B R A N D X's Avatar
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    Thanks all for the replies! Much appreciated! The photo's were a big help.....I just pasted one side of my TM paddle and it went very well......easily done!

    Thanks again, all, for the replies!

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