Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
I use 7. If that doesn't work I do about 3-4 on linen, and then 7 again. As with most straight issues though, in practice I am quite an anomoly from the pack.
I'm with you here. I think a lot of guys just like stropping for the ritual of it and rationalize that they're getting a better shave. I find that 3-4 laps on the linnen side, and 7-8 laps on the leather before the shave, and nothing after the shave is all I've ever needed to maintain an edge.

Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun
As to never having to hone the razor with proper care, I would love to cry "BS" on that but honestly, I have yet to re-hone one of my personal edges, unless it was damaged in some way..... so for the last 2 1/2 years I would have to agree with it, even though I don't think it is true..
I'm starting to think that honing is something that should be done rarely if at all. Most of the times I had to hone a razor was either to restore an old one, or to undo the results of poor honing. My two everyday shavers haven't needed honing in years.

When I first started using a straight razor, I thought that many of the comfort issues would be fixed by more honing, but I came to realize that technique was the real problem. My blade was plenty sharp enough.