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Thread: vintage strop

  1. #1
    okie from Muskogee shaver wheelz74401's Avatar
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    Default vintage strop

    today I found a strop in an antique store and the guy gave me a george wostenholm and son razor for almost nuthing for buying the strop costing me a whole 13 bucks. but my question is it has a slice in it and it looks like someone may have tried to fix it but didn't get it out so how would I go about getting it out and getting it to work for me and also how would I go about cleaning the lenin? I will try to get pic up soon

  2. #2
    Professional Pedantic Pontificator
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    Linen can be cleaned with anything you'd use to clean a pair of jeans. It's just a fabric like any other.

    As far as the repair, can't help till the pics are up I'm afraid to say.

  3. #3
    okie from Muskogee shaver wheelz74401's Avatar
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    heres some pictured

    the cut is on the smooth side of the strop but the labeling it on the rough side and I put some pictures of the razor to
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That strop looks kind of rough to me. I don't think you can make the leather surface smooth again unless you try sanding it with really fine sandpaper and see what happens. As it is not even if cleaned up would I use it on any of my razors. I can't tell if the cut goes through to the stropping surface. if it does the strop is toast.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If it is like a flap you can glue it with contact cement. Once that is done sand it down as bigspendur said. The small nicks in the edge can be treated the same. I've washed lumpy vintage linen out in a bucket with woolite and then dried it flat and it came out good.
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  6. #6
    okie from Muskogee shaver wheelz74401's Avatar
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    I did the sand paper thing to it like I said before it looks like someone tried fixing it and has sanded it mostly out and the sand paper I did took it the rest of the way or it seems to have I don't feel or se it now but any way I also took some laundry soap and a dish brush and went after the lenin and its back to white thanks everyone for thier advice

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