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Thread: Sick of Waiting

  1. #1
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Default Sick of Waiting

    A quick confession: I strop on an old belt.

    Why? Because I've been waiting for a Tony Miller strop since April. Every time I go to his store he's either closed or sold out. I really wanted to support him, but it seems like he must be doing as well as he wants to- he clearly doesn't desire my business.

    As you might guess, I'm fed up with not having a real strop, and sick of waiting for one of his.

    What is a strop as good or better than one of the TM's? I'd love one 3" or so, but less is acceptable. I just want a *@^!% strop.

  2. #2
    Beard growth challenged
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    Benjamin there is a thread of him that might explain a couple of things.
    Last edited by 0livia; 07-29-2009 at 12:48 AM.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to 0livia For This Useful Post:

    Tony Miller (07-29-2009)

  4. #3
    Always Learning currentman's Avatar
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    I understand your frustration, but Tony is a craftsman, he doesnt mass produce, that why his strop's are of such high quality, I can tell you thats it is truly worth the wait. I just looked at Tonys site, and he explains on the first page that due to his Father in-laws health his production has slowed so that he can spend time with his family

    although I dont own one, I hear SRD strop are good also so you could check there if you are in a hurry
    Last edited by currentman; 07-29-2009 at 12:48 AM.

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    Tony Miller (07-29-2009)

  6. #4
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    I understand all of the above, but I've been trying since April. That isn't a hurry, that's awfully patient...

    As part of a custom cabinet shop, I understand artisanship... this is just too long. Hence, looking for another strop.

  7. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I completely understand your frustration. Tony is an artisan who is limited in his rate of production. Plus, as mentioned, he has had a family emergency which has taken precedence over side business. There is nothing wrong with looking elsewhere for a strop but personally I respect him for doing the right thing in choosing his family over making some strops. I have numerous strops but I intend to purchase one from Tony when he is able to resume production. I believe his artisanship is worth the wait. Then again, I already have several strops. If you don't want to wait, there's no harm in looking elsewhere.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

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  9. #6
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    I'm gonna have to agree with people in that its a little distasteful what you are saying. You work in a cabinet shop probably as a main job, I'm not sure but I think Tony has another job I can't imagine anyone living off and supporting a family off selling strops alone. And people don't just get cancer and die a month later. Its a LONG battle. And even if the cancer is beat, there are after effects. My dad had a kidney removed due to cancer, and suffered massive nerve damage that has put him out of work for two months. He's recovering well, but its not a fun battle.


    The SRD strops are apparently good, and if I had the cash I would send it Kenrups way. I have felt his leathers and I like them. He's a great guy, very quick, and very helpful.

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    Tony Miller (07-29-2009)

  11. #7
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    I'll also add here, that in my opinion, a Tony Miller strop is worth the wait!

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Seraphim For This Useful Post:

    Tony Miller (07-29-2009)

  13. #8
    Member Xury's Avatar
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    Maybe it will help to check his site more often, I just got my first strop from him on June 29th. I too had to wait since I never seemed to catch him when he was open (but he closes down for good reason, so I never really minded the wait); but, I insistently kept checking back until I saw that he was. I knew the strops weren't going to stay in stock for long, so I saw my chance and took it. And it was well worth it!

    I've been practicing on the practice strop I got from him while my Red Latigo awaits patiently in the corner, looking all prettylike. But, it gives me something to aspire to until I manage to stop cutting up the practice one. Now I just need to figure out if I need to maintain an unused strop or keep in in shape somehow...

    Well, keep up the morale and understanding. It's well worth the wait (even just for the practice one). It seems like shaving with a straight is all patience and planning ahead, but it seems to be paying off nicely!

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Xury For This Useful Post:

    Tony Miller (07-29-2009)

  15. #9
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    Thank you gentlemen! I appreciate the support. Not all of us vendors do this as a living so supply varies.

    I have actually been open three of the last four weeks and at least 4 days each of those weeks. As mentioned on my website and elsewhere this is a sideline, nothing more. I have my family, my church and my 40 to 50 hour a week career, plus the strops. I make and sell 15 to 20 pieces a week and when I am out, I'm out till next time. While I am still a legal, tax paying business this is really just a hobby, not my living so family and church comes first, always.

    BKratchmer, I'm sorry you have not been able to catch up with me when open. To imply I am doing well enough I don't want your business makes it sound like something personal against you. I'm sorry you feel this way. Instead of a public complaint, a simple email to would likely have been met with the response that while closed I do have a few things handy and would gladly go out of my way to help you. I am still happy to help despite this thread and feel bad we were unable to connect.

    If we can start fresh, great. If not I'm sure Lynn and SRD can help you out with a very similar product that will serve you well.

    Last edited by Tony Miller; 07-29-2009 at 09:18 PM.
    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  16. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Tony Miller For This Useful Post:

    BeBerlin (07-29-2009), ben.mid (08-19-2009), BKratchmer (07-29-2009), Don (08-19-2009), Earthdawn (08-21-2009), Gunner777 (07-29-2009), Oglethorpe (08-12-2009), PuFFaH (07-30-2009), Seraphim (07-30-2009), T-Ram (08-03-2009), Xury (07-30-2009)

  17. #10
    Opto Ergo Sum bassguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BKratchmer View Post
    I understand all of the above, but I've been trying since April. That isn't a hurry, that's awfully patient...
    I'd call that bad timing, as well as poor form. Instead of complaining on the forum you could perhaps contact him yourself. I've done just that during his 'off season' and he was glad to oblige me. And how hard is it to get on his website when he says it will open?

    I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'...

    Get the Tony strop. It's worth it if you can avail yourself of the proper resources and timing.
    Last edited by bassguy; 07-29-2009 at 11:06 PM. Reason: courtesy

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