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  1. #1
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    Default Two new strops and a strop question

    I just received these two strops from ebay. Everyone else must have been asleep because I was the only bidder. Once I figure out which one l like the most I'm going to sell the other one in the classifieds.

    Now for the question. Both of these strops have bends in the leather from being packed for postage and probably also from when they were in storage before that. What is the best way to get these bends out? These bends don't seem to effect the stropping, they are just cosmetic.
    Will the bends be pulled out in time by gravity or should I use some sort of oil to soften them up? I don't have any Neet's foot oil but would mineral oil do the trick?

    Well that's enough questions for now. Now I'm going to go back to playing with my new strops.
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  2. #2
    < Banned User >
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    Default Strops

    I use saddle soap and water. Fiebing's was the brand a fellow suggested. On the cloth Lynn suggested lather but I had a bar of Ivory on the sink and used that. The saddle soap and water will help take the kink out. The kink in mine stopped giving a jump when the razor past over it and after about a week it hung straight.

  3. #3
    okie from Muskogee shaver wheelz74401's Avatar
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    + 1 on the saddle soap for the leather and also might recomend on the linen use a scrub brush and some woollite or and good laundery soap and withing acouple time of cleaning it will come clean

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