Thanks for the input. I am not worried about the sound I produce while stropping I was trying to figure out a way to check myself.

A way to see if I was doing things right. I kept wondering every time I wiped the blade after a stropping session if I was do it right because I was getting a bit of "dust" or "residue" from the strop regardless of the amount of pressure applied, so I figured if I knew what it was supposed to sound like I could tell if I was doing something wrong.

Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
Yes, I wouldn't be using sound as an indicator. As has been said the sound or lack of it will vary from razor to razor and grind to gring and strop material to strop material.

When I strop sometimes it sounds like cut glass and sometimes its totally silent. If your technique is good the job is being done. Don't fret over sound.