I have an SRD and a TM, both latigo two inch.

I have had the SRD for a while and like it. In a fit of SAD (Strop Acquisition Disorder) I purchased the TM. His store was open so I figured to get while the gettin' was good!

I was surprised at the lack of draw on the TM. Its surface is quite hard, almost like it was made of plastic. The blade almost bounces along the strop. I expected it to be similar to the SRD. The description on TM's web site says that the latigo has more draw than the horsehide. I have a RupRazor horsehide and it has considerably more draw than the TM. (The RR horsehide is suede-like and that is what creates the draw.) Both the TM website and the instructions that came with the strop recommend it be used as-is without any special conditioning other than hand-rub (which I have done).

Does anyone else have both of these strops and have an opinion on the differences between them?