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  1. #1
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    Default any other strops besides filly?

    im shopping around for a strop but i was wondering if there are any other strops similar in price and quality as the filly strop. the thing with the filly strop is that i kinda want a handle on a strop as well as being double-sided.

  2. #2
    Member steve12's Avatar
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    i use a proforma strop, made by damon, an srp member
    it works great

    there's no linen strop, but i pasted the back side of it (the suede side) with some cro2 paste, and it does the job beautifully

    cheap as chips too

    Straight Razor Place Forums - View Profile: Damon

    there's the chap

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve12 View Post
    i use a proforma strop, made by damon, an srp member
    it works great

    there's no linen strop, but i pasted the back side of it (the suede side) with some cro2 paste, and it does the job beautifully

    cheap as chips too

    Straight Razor Place Forums - View Profile: Damon

    there's the chap

    great! thanks! looks pretty much what im looking for but is there anything a little lower in price? i might have to settle for the proforma strop but if theres anything a little cheapter, it would be great! im a broke college student trying to get in to the straight edge shaving game

  4. #4
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    You're not going to find anything lower than that which you will not wind up either:

    a. wrecking your razor with


    b. spending a bunch more money to replace later.

  5. #5
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris21908 View Post
    great! thanks! looks pretty much what im looking for but is there anything a little lower in price? i might have to settle for the proforma strop but if theres anything a little cheapter, it would be great! im a broke college student trying to get in to the straight edge shaving game
    I can symphatise since I've been a student myself. I actually gave up on then since the entry-level razors were deemed too expensive.

    But you have to understand that quality comes with a price since the materials and workmanship costs. The filly already makes compromise in hardware to keep the price low. If you don't want to spend so much, you could buy the materials and do the work yourself. However, you might be surprised by how much the materials cost (since you won't be buying in bulk) and how much work there is.

    Making a (very) home-made strop - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Last edited by ursus; 11-11-2009 at 09:29 AM.

  6. #6
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    i totally agree! anything cheaper will bite me in the @$$, no matter how cheap the price is. il definitely go with the Proforma strop! thanks guys!!

  7. #7
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris21908 View Post
    i totally agree! anything cheaper will bite me in the @$$, no matter how cheap the price is. il definitely go with the Proforma strop! thanks guys!!
    Let us know if there is anything else you have questions about or need help with! I'm a college student myself, so I TOTALLY understand the tight budget.

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