Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
I think Edge is very thin that is why user can great enough heat while stropping and that heat will change temper of the edge. Of course effect of it will not know right away but after couple of weeks.
To test this someone has to have same blade sharpened with same person in similar sharpness
strop first blade 100 times before every shave
Next one only 30 times
and see which edge will last longer.
Testing makes sense.
Assigning an underlying cause may not make sense.

If I was going to speculate -- there are two primary things going on
with a basic strop.
  • reshaping the edge (pulling it straight)
  • work hardening the edge

As thin as the edge is and based on comments about the
importance of "pull" on a strop reshaping is important.
And explains to me why a retouch with a strop just works.

Work hardening is harder to make a case for but once the
edge is pulled straight the minor flexing associated with
a continued light stropping will work harden the thin edge.
I also know that work hardening is a big effect in terms
of hardness up to a point. This work hardening effect will
max out. If the strop is overdone and the touch is not light
enough the thinner than a hair edge will fail.