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Thread: Next strop.
12-08-2009, 01:43 AM #1
Next strop.
What would be a good strop to get, I have the Filly and the way its looking I'm going to have to get a new one because I have 2 decent sized chunks out of it. Once I get good enough that I don't nick it anymore I'm going to get a new one. What should I look for? I don't want a really expensive one either, just somthing good, if I have to I'll grab another Filly.
12-08-2009, 01:48 AM #2
Here's my thought:
You can't beat Tony Miller. Really. Great strop, great guy, awesome service. If you can put away $10 a week for the next 9 weeks, you have a TM strop paid for (with handles AND a practice strop!) in the time it takes you to wreck your old one and get the hang of stropping.
I'm a college student, and in spite of a very tight budget I've been amazed by some of the things (like a TM strop) I've been able to get by giving up coffee, or diet pepsi, or beer for a few weeks. Those dollars really add up!
12-08-2009, 01:55 AM #3
Give up beer? I hope you don't mean give up drinking. As a college student I have found that a $30 bottle of rum will last much longer than $30 in beer, allowing me to spend more on shaving.
That being said, I scored an awesome deal from Ambrose of B&B on a strop he made, complete with fabric component. I have also heard a lot of good things about the Illinois strops. They are on the cheaper end but look pretty good to me.
12-08-2009, 02:03 AM #4
90 bucks, I don't think so. I'm looking for somthing around the 30-40 dollar range and thats pushing it. I'm 15 and not ready to spend that kind of money.
12-08-2009, 02:06 AM #5
I second the Tony Miller strops. Iv had mind for a year now & still really satisfied with it. Tony is always there to answer any question you might have too. Good luck
12-08-2009, 02:09 AM #6
$30 is about where the Illinois strops start. I've got one (my only one at the moment). If I had found out about SRP, the fillys etc before hand I would have just gone that route but hey. The Illinois is a decent strop but if you want to save money get another filly.
12-08-2009, 02:33 AM #7
12-08-2009, 02:49 AM #8
It's true. Another option is to keep your eyes open on as many shaving forums as you can. In the few months I have been at this I have seen several Tony Miller strops go for $50, both here and elsewhere. I know it is a little more than $30, but still a great deal.
Best of luck to you Zach.
12-08-2009, 07:37 AM #9