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  1. #1
    Senior Member raneyday's Avatar
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    Default Slight Haze After Stropping

    Hi All,

    Just spent a few minutes stropping my razor. I kept it flat and worked methodically, but tried to move the razor quickly through the strokes. I don't think I did any damage, but will know for sure tomorrow.

    Here's my question: When done, the edge of the razor was very shiny and looked even in light, but about 1/16" above the edge there was a line of haze about 1/8" thick. The haze wiped off easily with my finger.

    Is this a sign of doing things right/wrong?


  2. #2
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Not really a sign of anything. The haze is just debris & oil from the strop. There is probably a corresponding deposit on the spine.
    Consistent good shaves are a sign of things done right
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  3. #3
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    Totally normal -- nothing to worry about. Some razor and
    strop combinations seem to exhibit this more than others.

    - Scott

  4. #4
    Senior Member raneyday's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input. Today's shave was even better than yesterday and the razo still "pops" one of my wife's very fine hairs, so I guess I'm not damaging the blade. I did turn the blade on the edge one time!

  5. #5
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    This is something that you can't really answer until you have more experience. Six months from now you'll see your edges after stropping weren't as good back when you started due to your stropping being less developed. This is one of the beauties of straight razor shaving, personal experience is key.

    I thought I was stropping well back when I started, I wasn't, I can see that now. The shaves were okay, but now they're incredible.

  6. #6
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    I don't know if you're doing something wrong (although from your feedback, it sounds like you arent!) But I can tell you that when I strop (And I strop A LOT) I also get this haze... Especially on a World Master 194, and especially when I use my Bridle (I'm going to assume the oil, wax, and other treatment of the strop cause this... But so far, no ill effects, and I LOVE the edge a good bridle stropping leaves)

    Short answer: I get haze all the time, and my stropping results are top notch.

    Also, I think the haze, at least mine, looks kinda cool...

  7. #7
    Member MadButcher's Avatar
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    I get this everytime too I use it to see if im stropping the whole blade or not.

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