Well I gave stropping ago tonight. The story.

I bought a great condition Bengal 6/8 but it certainly wasn't anywhere near shave ready, in fact blunt-ish.

I gave it 20 passes on a 6000 Japanese waterstone.
Then 20 passes on each side of a paddle strop. 1 and 0.5 micron.
Then 50 passes on a 3" red latigo from Tony.
Then shaved with it.

Well I must be lucky or gifted, great shave, very smooth.

Since, I have stropped all of my shave ready straights ready for shaving. I'll give them a quick lick before I use them.

I then cleaned and honed, pasted and stropped a Peres 5/8 Barber's King. This straight had a little tarnish but really nothing. Cleaned up well. It is now very nice. I left one bit of my right cheek to test it on, brilliant.

Now this may be beginners luck, but I'm a very happy chappy right now. I've taken two totally different razors and got them to a state I'm very happy with.
I have one of Lynn's and two of Bill's to measure by and I'm delighted with how far I've got. No tugging, pulling or harshness and a baby's butt finish. I followed instructions to the letter, didn't use any pressure to speak of other than ensure flat even contact.

In conclusion. This is really good stuff. Tony's products ROCK. The instructions from all at SRP are worth gold (but I'm not sending any) and it can only improve.

To improve on this, well my wife Catherine has just made me a cup of tea.
