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  1. #1
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    Default Stropped with Diamond Spary

    Last night I decided to try and strop my razor with the diamond spray that came with the SRD Modular Paddel strop. My razor had been pulling ever since I bought it, but took the word of the website when it said it was shave ready. I also nicked the blade accidentally and it put a small chip it the toe of the blade. So I sprayed the diamond solution onto the strop and carefully did an X-Pattern with the razor several times. After doing that I followed up with several passes on a plain (uncoated) linnen strop, and finally on the leather side. This morning I shaved with it and have to say.... WHY DIDN"T I DO THIS SOONER!!! The shave was unbelievable, I finally acheived a BBS shave. I always thought it was my technique and that I wasn't doing things correctly, but man. This was great. Totally smooth. I did nick my self,but nothing to bad.

    Not sure if i did it right ,but how many passes should one do on a pasted/coated strop?

  2. #2
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I usually start with 5ish and go from there. be careful with that chip at the toe.

    Quote Originally Posted by chrbia1 View Post
    Last night I decided to try and strop my razor with the diamond spray that came with the SRD Modular Paddel strop. My razor had been pulling ever since I bought it, but took the word of the website when it said it was shave ready. I also nicked the blade accidentally and it put a small chip it the toe of the blade. So I sprayed the diamond solution onto the strop and carefully did an X-Pattern with the razor several times. After doing that I followed up with several passes on a plain (uncoated) linnen strop, and finally on the leather side. This morning I shaved with it and have to say.... WHY DIDN"T I DO THIS SOONER!!! The shave was unbelievable, I finally acheived a BBS shave. I always thought it was my technique and that I wasn't doing things correctly, but man. This was great. Totally smooth. I did nick my self,but nothing to bad.

    Not sure if i did it right ,but how many passes should one do on a pasted/coated strop?

  3. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I believe the suggested regimen is to spray the strop and let it sit for several hours before using it. I don't really see any harm in using it right away but I'm just passing on the information.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I believe the suggested regimen is to spray the strop and let it sit for several hours before using it. I don't really see any harm in using it right away but I'm just passing on the information.
    Speaking of this I did notice that after I had stropped the razor the blade has become a little discolord from the spray. Is there a way to clean the residue off?

  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Well, it guess there is a harm. I would assume a metal polish like Maas or Flitz should take care of it.

  6. #6
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    You will get a sort of dust from diamond spray in the first couple of uses after you apply the stuff, its the excess diamond particles being knocked off by the razor.

    It should just wipe off with a tissue.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Lesslemming's Avatar
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    And please: Wipe any residue off before going to the linen or leather.
    Once these are contaminated, you will never git the "grits" out of your daily strops

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