So I've got a couple months worth of shaving under my belt and the shaves have been for the most part very good and improving. I rotate a 3-4 razors and only shave every 2-3 days. I have found that I'm having trouble keeping my razors sharp for more than 3 shaves or so and have the inkling that my stropping is the issue. I've got a little Dovo strop, a vintage Manark strop and an SRD modular (pretty much my go to now). I've watch a few videos (thanks hi_bud_gl and AFDavis11) and noticed that my wrist probably moves way more than it should. So I got a dulled out Clauss that I bought from ebay to clean up and just practice flipping it between my finger and thumb without moving my wrist. I hope this will help! I was just wondering if anyone had any other ideas on how I could practice stropping in between shaves without doing too much damage to my strops of razors.