I've avoided pastes & sprays, preferring the more purist pursuit of skills w/ the rocks. Recent input says this may be ill advised, so I'm trying to learn what can be had from them. I understand its easy to use them incorrectly & draw false conclusions. Any help on finding the best threads on the topic or good reference material is greatly appreciated. I'm looking at:
" p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } For reference, the softer the stropping surface the less the effect of the paste...

As you move through this list, IMHO you increase the possibility of getting a harsh edge..."

I'm hooked on smoothness, so that needs to be a priority. The questions:
a) can linen be adequately washed so that a previously used paste/spray is effectively gone, leaving a clean enough media for the next experimental slime.

b) I have some crayon crox already. and have looked at Josh Earl's thread about pasting a hanging leather strop. Is linen pasted the same way?
c) Is used slurry from a jnat still considered a good method to experiment with? Any techniques that work best?
d) If linen is not the hot tip, and smooth is still a priority - what other material would be recommended?

'Very much appreciate your kind help, Gents.