Hi, I'm a newbie with lots of questions. This is the second one I've posted today.
I got one of those dovo strops with my razor. And of course it was early in the morning and I wasn't paying attention and flipped the razor before I compled my stroke (more than once) and you guessed it: now there are little nicks in the edges of my brand new ready to use $50 strop and I'm afraid I freakin ruined it.
There's not any nicks in the body of the strop just on the edges, and the leather didn't even come completely off, just kind made a flap. That wouldn't even bother me really, but I'm afraid that I might ruin the cutting edge on my razor, so I'm trying to stay off the nicks, and this reduces the stropping length to about 6 inches.
Is it fine to go over these nicks, or what?