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  1. #21
    OLD BASTARD bg42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForestryProf
    I got a chance to spend some time in my wood shop this weekend and started a couple of projects. My first set of scales is coming along nicely (I think). I'll have to re-post pics as that thread went missing in the site changeover. However, I thought I'd share a couple of pics of my new paddle strop.

    The main part of the paddle is a water oak board that I milled about six months ago from a tree that came down in my yard. The wood has been stable enough to work for a while so it went into this project. It is quarter sawn from the hearwood so is quite stable. The paddle surfaces are 3/16 thick 3x12" balsa wood that will be pasted with 0.5 and 0.25 micron diamond paste.

    wel it certainly looks a lot more professional than my first effort, well done
    Kind regards Peter

  2. #22
    Senior Member Bobbo's Avatar
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    Nice paddle strop indeed!

    What type of glue are you intending to use to attach your balsa or leather to the surface? I have a piece of leather I would like to make into a paddle stop too. Was thinking of using a peice of 2x4 timber to begin with. I'm pretty sure that won't cup or warp, but could be wrong.

    Not sure what the best type of glue to use is or even whether to staple it on.

  3. #23
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbo
    Nice paddle strop indeed!

    What type of glue are you intending to use to attach your balsa or leather to the surface? I have a piece of leather I would like to make into a paddle stop too. Was thinking of using a peice of 2x4 timber to begin with. I'm pretty sure that won't cup or warp, but could be wrong.

    Not sure what the best type of glue to use is or even whether to staple it on.
    For the balsa, I used a standard wood glue, in this case Tightbond II. For leather, I'd suggest using a contact cement such as Weldbond.

    As for the 2x4, it depends more on the species of wood, orientation of the grain, and how it was milled to determine whether it is likely to twist, cup, warp, check...etc. I would not use a building stud (typical 2x4 made of fir, spruce, or pine) to make a paddle. Most furniture grade hardwoods, plywoods, and MDF should be more than stable enough to serve as a base for your strop.

    Hope this helps,

  4. #24
    grottolord grottolord's Avatar
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    Default balsa type

    Ed those paddles are sweet, what type of balsa do you use?
    is it the type bought in craft stores?
    what thickness etc
    and what do you use to glue them down.
    I gotta make one of them!!!
    I can see straight razoring, is gonna be never ending,

    Shower, lather, put on a Dean Martin lp and go to heaven!!!!


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