Another member said it best: "After three months I knew what I was doing, then three months later I knew that I didn't". I may have gotten the quote wrong but it's a perfect way to describe my experience with stropping.

Over the last ten months or so I have thought a few times that I had tamed the strop. On the one hand always building skill in the handling of the razor, on the other not quite getting the result I want. I'm looking for a razor that gives a comfortable shave several times in a row.

Now it seems I'm getting it. Smooth confident strokes, and correcting some minor un-evenness in my stroke was the key. On my last couple of razors, the blade has gotten smoother over the first one or two shaves, then stayed consistent for the week.

My journey is continuing. For now it looks like I have something to celebrate.

If you are having trouble with stropping, please keep this post in mind. If I can make this kind of progress then so can you.
